New Airport Stores coming soon...!!! |
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New "Airport" Stores.............♥ |
Southwest Airlines is kicking off its new nonstop service between St. Louis and San Antonio on August 12. And to help kick start the festivities, Southwest is giving away two roundtrip tickets in both San Antonio and St. Louis. How do you win? First, give us a thumbs up (Like) on Lambert's Facebook page. Second, start studying for some San Antonio trivia. A ticket giveaway contest starts in just a couple of days. Need a reminder? We'll give everyone a heads up about the contest on Twitter.
And more great news, Southwest has announced it will begin service between STL and Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA) with two daily nonstop roundtrip flights starting Sept. 30, 2012. Lambert will become the second destination for Southwest Airlines from DCA. The Airline began service to DCA on July 8, 2012, with daily nonstop roundtrip service to Austin. The new STL service is made possible by Southwest's recent purchase of four inside-perimeter slots at DCA.
Returning Soldier in Lambert's "Photo of the week"......Touches us All........!!!!
Pvt. Charles "Chaz" Ligon of West Frankfort, IL expected a joyous return home after being wounded more than six months ago in Afghanistan. The Purple Heart recipient was overwhelmed beyond belief when he encountered a line of Patriot Guard members, family and other supporters who gathered to meet and thank him after arriving at Lambert on July 31. In the history of Lambert's Photo of the Week (nearly 5 years), this shot has received some of the greatest responses. Check them out. And we hope you share this photo with friends as a way of thanking all of our service men and women, and to thank all those who support them, as well. Check out all the latest news and our Photos of the Week (every Friday) on the Airport's LambertWire blog.
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Lovely 'Vintage'........ "American Airline" Ad.........♠ |
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Look........"Brother"..........., we're going to fly the "Connie"...........♠ |
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TWA "Star Stream".........against the night sky...♥ |
Thunder boomer "Still"....... just before I started video taping on phone............♠ |
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This is the very second the 'lighting' struck....... I took this snapshot off the video below.........and the Beautiful purple is the 'Actual' color it came out to be.......♠ |
This video I took of a very tall "Thunder boomer".....while sitting out one evening, a few weeks ago.......... just after the sun had set...
but you could still some light.....reflecting on the very top of this huge 'thunder boomer'...............♠
I really don't even know what possessed me to video it..and
was NOT expecting to see the "Lighting flash"............
and it took me by complete 'Surprise'........!!!!
It looked as if the "storm" "DIED" once the lighting flash hit........
it turned from such lovely shades of blues and purples to a bone grey/white(ish)....color,
I thought..........
I was probably the only one on who saw this 'flash of lighting'........the video is not very good quality.....but the 'Flash' makes up for it.......
A Beautiful Flash........non the less........♠.
Last night......I turned on the TV......just before midnight....cst.....hoping to be "lulled" to sleep.......and I happened on the "Live" Coverage of the Mar's Rover "Curiousity" the midst of the programmed steps for her to touch down on the planet "Mars".......I saw it "Live".......I was so Damn "EXCITED".......there would be very little sleep last night.......!!![]() |
One of the first pictures taken by "Curiosity"...... on the surface of Mars (photo from♠ |
NASA’s “Curiosity” Mars Rover has officially touched down on the Red Planet. The rover successfully touched down on the surface of Mars right on schedule at about 1:30 AM Eastern Time Monday morning after traveling for 8 months across 500 million miles. Pictures are already being sent from the craft to NASA mission control back on Earth.
NASA’s newest rover is the size of an SUV, weighs over 2,000 pounds, and is valued at over $2.5 Billion. Curiosity has been headed for Mars since last November when it launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. This morning, it carried out one of the most complex space landings in history. The landing included a hovering sky crane spacecraft and a massive supersonic parachute. The rover touched down exactly where NASA wanted it to, on a carefully chosen flat area of the planet.
Curiosity’s main mission is to look for possible signs of life on Mars, either past or present. This will include taking thousands of photographs, surveying rock composition, and collecting large amounts of various data. Just minutes after landing, the rover was already sending photographs to the mission’s control center in California. The first photos showed the craft’s wheels as well as the surface of Mars. NASA will spend the next few weeks making sure everything is alright with the rover. Curiosity will then spend about 2 years exploring Mars.
This mission is great news for NASA, the United States, and the Aerospace industry in general. The end of NASA’s long and successful Space Shuttle Program ended last year and the fate of the organization was frequently questioned. This proves that the US is still dedicated to space exploration and furthering our knowledge of the universe.
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The "Earth" and "Moon".......... from "Mars"..........♠ ......."Earth" sure looks 'peaceful'....... looks are always "Deceiving"............♠ |
Morning, Jules.
Isn't it fun watching thunderstorms? (Well, from a safe place, that is.)
The colours in the photo are beautiful.
And about Curiosity--it is incredible looking at the view of Earth and the moon from Mars. Just...gets you thinking...
Thanks, Jules, for the post.
That's just the waaaay it iisss!
Oh, wait :)
Thunderstorms are one of mother nature's epic shows! I can really get out of bed for this at night, roll up the screen and 'sit 'n watch'.
Is that your youtube channel with landing/take off video's in it !?!? ! I'm gonna check that out!
We'll see what Curiosity brings us! I'm happy NASA managed to pull this off but now that I've read 'Riding Rockets' I kinda miss the Space Shuttle program...
Take care over there! Don't get caught in any thunder boomers :P
T-storms are pretty remarkable to watch from 39,000 feet. Scary, yet amazing at the same time. You see these big monster thunderheads in the distance towering waaay higher than you are, and you see lightning flashes inside the clouds, and you know the people on the ground below it are getting absolutely pounded with rain. The plane bumps around a bit as the pilots weave through the open holes, always keeping those big bad clouds as far from the wingtip as possible.
You often fly around T-storms on southern routes at this time of year. I think it's almost impossible to fly from Toronto to Florida and not have to avoid a couple of boomers - especially on late afternoon or early evening flights, when the day's heat has had time to really crank up those convective currents. The Tampa Bay Lightning got their name for a reason!
I never tire of watching electrical storms from above. That said, I also never tire of leaving them behind me, and landing in clear skies. They're quite amazing, but as Giulia notes, best observed from a distance.
T'storm watching is one of my fav' activities--on the ground or from above!
One of these days I'll getcha a good vid as we pass by (probably in the winter time;)
Liket the vid--the sound and the reactions, lol!
Oh GG.....Your so Welcome.....!!!
the picture of the "Earth" and the "Moon"....were taken by another mission to Mars...don't know which though...but the "Point of View"...looking back at ourselves.....Too bad....that alone can't change...the 'FUTURE'......!!!????.
and makes us all Understand......that we are only killing our selves as well.......when we think it's just another Country!!!!
I think anyway...
Any life/aliens/UFO's....out there who may be watching "US"....
the human race.......All they have to be "Patient".......because we will do "OURSELVES" in........just a matter of time.....!!!!!!
if ever a 'Point of View'...could make a difference....think it would be this ......"Unbelievable" image.........
Of course I say that.....and it's also, the smaller 'heartbreaks'......we cause each other....that can be everybit... as 'Horrible'...........and making "Amends".....after the fact....isn't always an option......
Bas.........Are you 'Drunk'..???
Yes....yes the take-off and landing video's are well......I don't even know how the Hell I managed to figure it out to put my vids on youtube....!!!!!
I miss the Space Shuttle tooooooooo!!!
.......remember last summer you and I both had "Posts" on the last Space Shuttle mission..!!??
The storm video I have here...on this post.....
I was sitting outside.....and half way through it....I tell the damn bull-frogs to HUSH.....!!
There's a pond behind my house..and everynight.....they are just a croaking away.....and it can get so Loud.....those silly frogs...
Have a great time this weekend meeting with Ketty...!!!
Take Care Bas Man!!!!!!!
Yes Indeed Ritchie....Best to view those mid-afternoon/early evening 'Summer' storms...from a far.., and if ya see the tell tail "Anvil" top....this puppy means business.....!!!
now the storm...I videod here, off my phone...was a good ways away......There was no sound from that see in purple .....♦
I call it the
"Kill shot"....because the whole cloud simply turned white and fell apart....after the flash.....♦
So 'Glad' you stopped by....Ritchie......!!!
see if you can get any pics from the window seat....sometime.....
of those convective 'Bad boys'......
Safe Travels.......•
Cappy, I'm gonna 'pop' ya good......;))))☺
Thats the reason, I didn't 'post' sooner.....trying to figure out how to 'mute'....the damn thing........Grrrrrrr
Yea do something for your 'keep' around here.....and get us a 'storm' vid.....Please.....!!Kidding..(sorta)
I know, watching the 'live' coverage of lovely Miss "Curiosity"....fall to the JPL....was 'Exciting' say the least......◘
Hows that "HIGH"chair" working out for ya.......Oh...."Shame" on me.........
Crazy bees!!!!
This was caught on a walk-around? Holy! How long was that plane parked at the gate? Sheesh...
Nice photo...was that from you, Ritchie?
Yep...GG...Ritchie sent me...if you check out the's "Aviation" related.......
Got to love the "Wacky" stuff.....
Ritchie is "Wacky" like that.... Takes one to know one.....LOL
Hey ..... I resemble that remark!
Ritchie.....Just Hush up.....;))))
we're both in the same..."Wacky Boat".........kidda like looking in the mirror, without the mustache of course.....;))
I love these stories....
Have a great weekend.....!!!
GG....."Pop" Ritchie up side the head.....;))))
besides....I can't have him mad at me.........He'll cut me off........and no more "Wacko" stories...;((((((
since your closer to him........LOL......
Have a Wonderful day.....girlie!!!!
Bruce Hornsby and the Range and watching thunderstorms! Life doesn't get much better!
Thanks for posting my "babies" I have a million pics of them....
Ritchie - "I resemble that comment" I like your style!!
I like Mandolin Rain. :)
Sounds like you are enjoying your night.
I really love the pics of your darlings. They are so cute...even if they steal cupcakes when you aren't looking.
Hey..Your Welcome Dave.....!!
those 2 furry babies of yours, or so "Cute"......can't help but smile.......even if that TOM TOM is plotting your murder.......LOL
I told ya when he brings those mice home......he's practicing for the "Big Kill".....Yikes......!!!!
yes fav is "Mandolin Rain" well.......♠
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