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Operator: UK - Air Force - ZH900 Aircraft: Boeing - Chinook HC.3 Airport: UK - England - Northolt (NHT / EGWU) Category: Military Photo taken on 2010-3-25 by SilverWingPix [Contact] |
This last week sure, has been Crazy.........!!!.
My family and I are all safe.........and once the debris is cleaned out of our yards.......
our livies, as we know them, are still in tact......!!!
Very Lucky, indeed to be able to pick up where we left off............... the one gift, we have.......is to be able to get up out of our beds........taking the first steps........into a day.....that wasn't necessarily promised......and continue.....to live our day to day livies........I'm gonna try to not bitch....at just how 'boring' I seem to think my life can be at times...........Really........
I still have a house..............and more important.........I have my family, which includes.......my "Aviation" family.......!!!for that I am So Very Thankful.....!!!
The "A.A.S.(Worldwide)"........."Aviation Appreciation Society"(Worldwide)...
has some Very COOL News.......to share........!!!
2 of my Dearest friends, Miss Giulia and....Paul{Daniel} Asuncion of
"My own Little Rookie Blue blog(2012 edition) met each other.....in Halifax.......last week..Yes the Stars aligned just for them..........!!!
I am so Excited.........our little "Aviation Appreciation Society"......is expanding....When it comes to "Aviation".........we are all family, of course...but so Damn Exciting to meet,as well!!!
I've posted a picture of the two of them......and a small clip of a video.....Paul {Daniel}.....took, while showing GG...pictures of his family.........
Bravo Missy G.....and Paul{Daniel}..!!!!!!
Hello Giulia and Paul{Daniel}.....!!!! can you see how 'Green' I am with jealousy........;)))) |
GG........you are looking as Beautiful as ever..........!!!
and Paul{Daniel}....
Thank you so much for including us in your "Aviation"......life..........!!!!!
Disclaimer...........Remember miss spelled words are a sign of "Affection"...........;/
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....and try not to look "Back".....Too Far.................♠ |
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"Hurricane Isaac"....at Landfall............♠ Thanks Ritchie........♦ |
during the late night/early morning hours..........
when we are most vunerable.....!!!!!
this video, late Tuesd(8/28/12) evening......
now comes the hardest part.......
"Isaac", the "Uninvited" guest.........
after the power went out..........♠
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"Momma, it'll be "OK"......!!!!!. PRICELESS.........!!!! ♠ |
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Complete.....'Devastation' in 'Braithwaite'.... subdivision, "Plaquemines" Parish..... How do you define....."Misery"......????? Just one look.......!!!! |
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"Braithwaite"..........subdivision....... 'GONE'......!!!!!. |
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When you can barely, "Hold your head above water"(Literally)....♠ |
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New Orleans,....... "French quarter"....... 'Dead quiet'......♠ |
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"Indiscriminate".......Havoc......!!! |
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They'll be NO rest for the "Weary"......... for a long time to come........!!!!!! |
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Asking for 'Mercy'......!!! |
Thanks so much for visiting.......!!!
I know it's getting, time to move on......
and leave "Isaac" in our
but so many are/will 'Suffer'......for days, months, years.....to come.......!!!
Even to help in small ways.......I gave blood today.........even if to just move out of my
'comfort zone' long enough.....to, maybe make a small, difference.......even if not much.....!!!
I wish it wasn't so.......!!!!
...I was scared just watching your short videos. I can't even imagine living through it.
So grateful that you are okay and praying for those who weren't so lucky. :(
Thank You so much GG.....!!!
I'm still at work.....trying to get caught up.....
Yes, Its Sunday night....this week has been a blur........trying to remember what day of the week it is.......(small grin)..
Yes, so many lost everything.......Again.....!!!
Thank you darling......Talk to ya soon.......!!!!
Hi Julie!
Glad you and your family are okay! Can't imagine what a hurricane is like at all, nor losing everything you have...
Let's hope it will be a looong time before another one like Isaac pops up.
Like the way you stay positive, not only helps yourself but many times also the ones around you :)
Giulia and Paul Daniel, nice pic! I remember the face from a pic I've seen before, just don't know where hmmm. Hope you had fun over there in Halifax ( Is it the middle of nowhere or? )
Take care everyone, have a nice week and Jules I'm happy you managed to get though Isaac!
Had first college today so it's really starting now. Might be a little 'AFK' for longer periods
Thanks for writing about meeting Dan. He will love that you posted his photo and video (although I am not sure if people really want to see that). :)
My kids took to Dan right away. He is a sweetie! Mike and the kids were swimming in the pool when he showed up.
Really happy to have met him finally. Next time, he will come to Ottawa. Or perhaps the big AAS meeting coming up? Location pending...
Bas, yes...you would recognize Dan. He was a regular on Doug's blog too.
So many friendships started there. It is nice.
Best wishes with college, Bas. It's okay if you are away from the blogs for a while. School comes first. Touch base when you can. We ain't going anywhere. Right, Jules?
Anyway, I want to just end with saying that I am so grateful you are okay, Jules. My heart breaks for the people in the photos...they have to suffer this again!!!
Can I give you an extra squeeze? ((HUGS)) Miss you, crazy lady!
Giulia directed me to this post! Speaking of her, it was like meeting a movie star - I recognized her, even though I had never met her before! There she was, watching her family in the pool, and watching the front entrance to the hotel.
Bas! You remembered!
Julie. The recording of your voice, while watching Isaac come through, really sums up the experience.
Giulia! Well...the 1st day of school...how was it? :)))
Hey Bas Man........You sure got that right...about.....having another Hurricane come through.....It is really scary!!!!!!.....
Thats why, I'm only allowed 3 glasses of wine....per storm per day........Yea, funny.....but my dumb ass was out there filmming.....like I'm some drunk ass....."National Georgraphic".........hot shot.....Jeez....!!
Not to worry, School is whats important....so...get your Azz on the "Deans List"........at least........
Take Care Comrade......!!!
Oh GG.....I am so glad to post.....about this AAS(Worldwide)meeting.....It's important....and is the foundation....of sorts, for us Geeks.....and all Aviation.......folk......even those.......
"Low life Pilots...........LOLOLOLOL.....!!!
That is a Big Time JOKE.......Cappy, Ryan,.....
OH Lord......
I think my readership just went down the 'tubes'.......
and so true about all the friendships that came to be, from Captain Doug's(From the Flight deck) blog....!!..........and he was such a good sport.....he did take a pounding from my smart ass........comments.....!!!......
Hey it wasn't my fault "Victimhood"......suited him..........LOL......
Yes, thats right....GG....we're not going anywhere......except "UP".......
Love Ya dauuuling......
Hi Paul{Daniel}.....Well, there's 'NO' doubt.....you would recognize.......Miss Guilia, right off the bat........her energy is contagious.....as is her "Beauty".........!!
and I Thank you, for including us.......here.....as well..!!
Take Care.......Paul{Daniel}..and please, don't be a stranger.....
LOL!!! Oh for Pete's sake!!! DAN!!! A movie star, really?!? I actually felt the same way when I met Julie for the first time. I think I screamed, right? Ha ha...
Our time again chatting went by effortlessly...I think we could have talked another few hours no problem.
I promise next time, it will be longer. Maybe when Jules comes along! She wanted to be there!
Jules, we're only going up, my dear friend. I know you are proud of me. I'm learning! xox
First day of class done and no damage to report! :)
Oh and Bas, Halifax is not in the middle of nowheres...;)
Look it up, young student! ((HUGS))
Take care, everyone else. September is always such a busy time but I wish everyone well.
Have a great night, Julie. I love ya, darling....xo
So glad u all made it relatively unscathed! So happy to see AAS alive n well! Flying back to reality today...
How lovely!!
These meetings are SOOO much fun!!
Yes, Capt Doug has a lot to answer for!
Now we rely on Jules to allow us to share our fun times, thank you for being a great host!
Love the vid, it's so great looking at pics of ourselves as youngsters - thanks for filming Dan!
Hi to everyone (feeling proud of our group)
D from the UK
(I feel proud of our group too! ) :)
Dave, I wanna see photos of you as a teenager in the 80s! YOU KNOW what I am referring to...
Next--gotta meet up with you and Lucy. <3
Welcome back. Hope you had a wonderful time. Take your time getting back into reality. Have a damn cookie while you do. But ya gotta clean up after yourself... ;)
You're welcome, Dave W! I'm glad that I had the presence of mind to make that brief recording. It captures the 1st moments of our visit.
During the phone call [a few hours earlier] we arranged the time, and chatted about the upcoming school year. [her kids are just beginning in school]. I asked what she was like, when she was their age.
I decided to bring along that photo, which I only recently discovered. I don't remember seeing it before.
Julie, those photos of New Orleans-I've not seen those before. They look like personal shots, not official ones from CNN etc.
Those boats look awfully low in the water. I've heard that alligators are a possibility.
Bas. Actually, Nova Scotia is just north of Nowhere!
Yes, GG.....Our "Aviation Family"........here is so Awesome!!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't be happier,..and like anything in life, it is what ya make of it......and this 'Blog'......does NOT work, without all the lovely people, who visit.......!!! It's just that simple!!!!!
I sure do look forward to my return to Ottawa....and to the "Maritimes".....in particular,my homeland........
St. Johns, Newfoundland!!!!
September....is a busy month indeed.......
I am feeling that "Nervousness"......that comes to me, each early September.......with 9/11...approaching.......I feel the 'Sadness'..but also 'Hope'.........We just need to stick together.....each of us is never alone.....in Spirit!!!!!
Hey Cap....!!!
About 'Damn' time you get your beeehind back to work......
and continue to support me,
Dave.....I am the one who is "Honored".....to have ya'll come visit, and stay as long as you wish!!!!!!!!!
I'm just a loly "Aviation" Geek......looking for 'Victim's....Ooopsie, I mean Friends to share our "LOVE" of all things "Aviation"........!!!!
not to mention the AAS(Worldwide).........is moving along.....quite nicely.....I Thank Captain Doug....he was the one who brought us together.....and it's "Friendship"........that will keep us together....!!!.....You always bring along some 'Cool' Aviation news/pictures/stories.............. from your side of the "Silly" Pond......!!!Thank you for all of that Dave W.......from the Beautiful U.K.......!!!!!
Hey Paul{Daniel}.....I am more than glad, to 'Post'.....this picture of you and your Father!!!
It is quite a 'Sweet' one and with the old "Holiday Inn".....sign...I remember from back in the
The pictures of New Orleans, after the huricane, are ones I got off the internet, day after the storm passed.....they do tell a 'Sad Tale'.....for those who lost everything...!!!
And no there are no alligators in every backyard....as the
"Urban Myth" police would have you, to believe..;))))
and most folks are allowed to keep their
'wooden teeth'.....omg......!!!
Take Care..Paul{Daniel}
Hi Folks!
Hahaha, well that is, basically, the middle of nearly nowhere :)
Our dog's breed comes from there lol.
Dan, I remember a picture of you standing next to Captain Doug IIRC?
I still remember visiting his blog for the first time, then meeting everyone and look where we are now...
Have a great weekend everyone!
Oh gosh...looking at the photo again makes me smile!
Dan, you were a little cutie patootie in that suit.
*laughing* I love it!!!
And yes, the old Holiday Inn sign is the best.
Bas, you have a good weekend too!
Thank you for posting that pic. [check's in the mail]
Giulia!!! I especially like the black borders on that new avatar. It's like WIDESCREEN format in the movies.
As you can tell from the video, everyone, Giulia is exactly as she seems ONLINE. A warmth in her voice, and her manner - it makes me think that her young students are very lucky to be assigned to her. And I'm sure, that even though the school year is just days old, the kids realize their good fortune ALREADY!!!
In the latest pic, I resemble a secret service agent, without the earpiece. If memory serves, I often was packing heat in those days. Usually a snub nose squirt gun [loaded; with the safety OFF]
Why Bas...you've got a good memory!!
@Dan--Ha Ha Ha...packing heat! Quite the tough guy!
Of course, Bas has a good memory. He's our smart cookie.
Happy weekend, everyone.
Just looking at the photos of Louisiana residents, again. Nature keeps being mean, and many residents still come back. And try, again. When I look back at those sunset photos, it's not hard to see why. :)
Remember those words from REALITY BITES?
She breaks my heart again and again...but, uh...But I love her.
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