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Chris Hadfield
Canadian Astronaut, currently living in space aboard ISS as Flight Engineer on Expedition 34, to be Commander of Expedition 35.
Orbiting Earth on ISS · http://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/default.asp
"BRAVO"......Commander Chris Hadfield......!!!!!
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Two of the "LOVE'S" of my Life...... TWA Airline's and St. Louis........ ♥ |
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Stunning photo of Air Berlin A320 |
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GG..... this pic'ie being my favorite of 'us'....in New Orleans, ♥ |
"Mother Nature".......sure can be "CROSS"...!!!!!!
but Pure Skill......wins this one.......by the 'Flightdeck' crew.....!!!.....
Titled:.."Storm!! Jal 737-800 Go around & "Crosswind landing at Narita.......!!!!
On a scale of 1-5 Diapers........
I rate this one as a,
"5 Diapers"+ Roll of bounty"
(the quicker picker upper.).....
and that's me, on the 'Ground' watching.......!!!!!!
Last night's Lovely Full Moon........ from my drive-way...... That 'Man in the moon'...... ♥ |
HEADLINES...........Guess who was granted permission to climb into the 'Flightdeck' of his very own....favorite.......Jet.......the Boeing 767........please ......bow your heads.......and look.........
Update..............Cappy is now finally home....where he belongs.........after 2 weeks of 'Bliss' in the "Philippine's"...........Whats with all these vacations........WITHOUT ME...........!!!!!!!!! ;/
Dave and Lucy.......made it to the "Maldives"........yesterday.....where they will be held up in this "Hell Hole"........of a vacation spot.....(please see pic)....for the next 2 "Effin" weeks........Grrrrrr........
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Yes Dave........ and just like "HELL"........ it sure looks HOT there.......... in so many ways..........!!!! |
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Oh Luc.....your such a 'floozie'...;)) Your hubby, Dave sure is a "Romantic' on Valentine's day.........!!! A perfect gift......... to take on a long 'flight'.........today............... ♠ |
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Dave.... having fun at the airport............. Can't fake that 'Smile'...... ♥ |
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I was able to pull this up....... while he was in flight.......kinda cool.......!! |
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Dave and Luc................ In route.....To 'VRMM'....!!...... I think I got it right.....here..........♠ |
What Fun we had at the 'Canadian Aviation & Space Museum"..... while a blizzard raged outside.......!!! |
Please 'Pardon' my absence.....the last week or so..........I've been in a bit of a "Funk"......!!
believe it or not......the "meteor".....that hit last Friday....really upset me.....to such a point.....I kinda withdrew.....
or maybe it's just a, 'guilty' conscience.....;/...
You have to watch this video....below...!!!!
it's from the 'point of view' of the 'Booster rocket'......all the way up and then all the way down to the ocean......and what a 'Splash' it makes.............!!!.....
I hope you enjoy as much as I did.......!!!!!?????
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Last "Piggy Back"..........:( |
HD Video – Space Shuttle Launch Seen From SRB
In the past, we haven’t posted about space flight and the shuttle program because it doesn’t really fit into the commercial and military aviation topic, which is the main focus of Flightstory. But, just recently, an extraordinary video came up that shows spectacular footage from the Space Shuttle launch from point of view of the Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) – like never before! This amazing footage definitely is a must-have-seen! The video titled “Riding the Boosters up and down in 400 Seconds” was compiled using footage from STS-117 and STS-127 and is part of the upcoming NASA documentary “Ascent: Commemorating Space Shuttle”, which will be available on DVD and BluRay.
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What a 'VIEW'............ ♥ You have to watch the video, with "FullScreen".......!!!! |
I hope you enjoyed.........and everyone have a 'Great' weekend............
Those shuttle videos are incredible to watch!
Have a good weekend too!!!
Whoa thanks for sharing Julie! Epic!
Hey there Mark...Sure enough...the 'Shuttle' videos.....are Amazing....and clear...!!
I'm still so Sad about the 'Shuttle' era over........!!..There is still so much...to discover...!!!!
You have a Great week, Mark....and Thanx so much for stopping by..!!!
Oh Bas Man......How are you....doing!!!???...
Crazy Busy no doubt.......!!
You are such a big part of the MissTWA blog....family......please, never stay away long....!!!!
I thought of you....when I happened on to this video...!!!
So Incredible.....!!!
Have a great week ......Comrade!!!
I love the photos of Lucy and Dave!!! I hope they are having a wonderful time in paradise!
Dave, I have the same airplane...with pilots and flight attendants...got the airport and the air traffic control tower...and...and...
Well, actually, MY KIDS have this stuff..........but can you tell who likes playing with it all?,
OH Dammit......GG.......just admit......you play with the 'airport' toys.......more than the 'badeggs'..............LOL.......
Love Ya darling.......and I miss you and that hotel room overlooking .....a blizzard..and the 'Snowplows' doing their dance........on the runways.....It was Awesome!!!
Hi guys!
Greetings from the Maldives!!
Great set of pics Jules, so funny - I know I have to be careful what I send to you!!
The Flight crew were wonderful and happy to chat about hand flying the approach to avoid all those Twotters (Twin Otter floatplanes) Cappy loves!
Having the best time here and already read half of Eric's book this morning - thank goodness he doesn't know any long words!
I'm trying to get a speedboat to the airport island next week to spend a few hours snapping heavies, wish me luck!
Dave from the Maldives :)
Dave that's awesome! So much recognizing stuff when you enter, for me vacation really started when I got in the cockpit, hope you had the same! (Bet ya didn't need that shirt when you got off the plane?)
Enjoy, relax, and let us know how the book is!
Have a nice weekend all! (almost there ;P )
Hey Dave......WOW....your 11 hours ahead of us here on the other side of the planet, so if you feel, you need another 'crack'...at your past 11 hrs.....let me know....I do my best to 'relive' those hours for ya.......!!
What are friends for......Mmmmmm
So glad you and the "Luc" are Safe and Sound...at the Maldives......!!!.....OH HOPE you get your day at the airport(VRMM).....and upclose and personal with the 'Heavies'.....!!!....What an Awesome 'Post'......that will be..!!!
Have a Wonderful time.....and remember SPF200+.......;)))
Heard that Cappy?????
You book has some serious frequent flyer miles......
Dave!!! You lucky guy!!! Looking good in that chair, sir!
Again, happy anniversary to you and Luc---and enjoy the vacation!!!
It looks soooooooo beautiful.
(Love the moon photo, Jules)
Hello to all.
Hey Bas Man......Yep..Dammit ...I still Love that pic of you in the 747 Captain's left seat...........with the silly 'Smilie' face you put over your face....!!!!
Have you ever heard of "Airnation.net"..........????.....their 'forum' looks very very much like your 'forum' when we would go and play 'name the Airline tail'...It's an Awesome...Aviation Forum.....!!!!!!..check it out sometime...
Do you have any trips coming up......this year...like a repeat trip to the Dominican Republic???..
...You have a wonderful Weekend .........Comrade!!!!!!!!
AH!!! That photo of us! I am a little taken aback at how burnt I was...that amazing trip in the bayous certainly sizzled the skin.
Dammit, I miss you so much, Jules.
I can only hope you are still going to go through with the NFLD trip...to visit your homeland. I need my MissTWA fix.
Hello to all.
It was so particularly overwhelming HOT......those days....doesn't even pay to wear make-up or fix hair......!!!!
But those 'Hot''Steamy' days were Awesome.......with you!!!
Yes, I must go back to my 'Homeland'.......I want you there with me...standing there on 'Signal hill'....looking out on the Atlantic.....making my final 'Peace' with my Mother......!!!
One of those time's in your life......when your "Compelled" to do something..!!!
hard to explain, really.....♣
Have a Wonderful weekend GG........up there in all that snow.......:)
Love Ya darling.......♥
Oh Jules...I understand what you mean when you talk of being compelled.
Sometimes our soul urges us on journeys...yours is to go back home. And I'd be honoured to join you.
I've never been to the Rock...should be fun!
Nice photo you added of our New Orleans day trip. I still treasure my artisan mask. It reminds me of you and Linda. <3
Can't wait to see you again...hopefully this summer.
(And don't talk to me about snow...I've had enough! On the bright side, I've taken up snowboarding...just call me "shredder" lol)
kk........GG......NO More Talk of Snow............and frozen.......tundra......!!
Isn't that moon just incredible? If you're on Twitter, you should really follow @Cmdr_Hadfield...he has been taking breathtaking photos while living on the ISS.
Sure makes you believe in something Greater than us...
Anyway, thank YOU, dear friend for posting this photo. I looooooooove that crazy moon. <3
Yes....GG......the "MOON" image is Breathtaking to say the least..!!!
and Thanks again for turning us all on to such a fine....
"Role Model" and fellow Canadian.......as is
Commander Chris Hadfield!!!!
Folks you must go...and see for yourself these Stunning Images of our World.....!!!!
Love Ya dauuuling GG.......
OMG u just too funny girl! Nice use of my pics I sent lol! Those crazy Filipino watches--too damn big! As for where r my shoes...it's a yacht! ;-)
Dave, looked like an awesome time. But, my book was sadly missing from sitting next to your beer!
Glad you had fun!!
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