Please tune in..........
Ritchie's/Craig R's "Post"
over the weekend.....
where I tag along on his trip to
Vancouver, British Columbia.....!!......
YEP......, I was a 'Royal' pain in the Ass......
I think he put me on his personal
"NO Fly List".........;/.....Yikes......
♠ damn 'Good'............. Make ya "Slap Ya Mama".........!!! Leave it to the 'Cajuns' to come up with a 'Hilarious' 'Name'.......... |
Well, just for is sunrise out of OAK.......!! ....Who says "Aviation Geeks" can't take Awesome pictures......!!!!!!!!........ Thanks Bonnie for sharing.......!!! |
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I know there has to be 'laws' on the books already.........!!......Who says you can't have your "Aardvarks 'Ant' eat it too.".........(yea I know it's lame);/ |
We now know the type of "Bad Ass" aircraft this is.....below...... Thanks to 'Ritchie'......or 'Craig R as some of you know him....!!!!
Here just below is his 'comment' he left on my last 'post'.....
I'm pretty sure the "bad to the bone" military jet is an Aardvark - also known as a General Dynamics F111. They were a Vietnam-era strike fighter, similar to today's F15E Eagle and F/A-18 Super Hornet.
The Aardvark was a really cool jet for its day, since among other things it had a variable-sweep wing, similar to that seen on the F-14 Navy fighter. Totally badass in every way!
Never seen one in the flesh .... and probably never will now. Too bad. It looks rockin'.
Craig R
January 6, 2013 2:45 PM

below a video of it performing at an airshow............
In these pictures the F-lll, is performing the famous
"Dump and Burn"...........WOW!!!!!
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This jet pic is from my last 'post' where I said, I had no clue, the type of military jet.....??!! |
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below are a couple of pics, from my dear Bonnie.... the first is a Phoenix sunset....she took..........
........and the second was while she was here........during her visit "Dixie".........!!!
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Bonnie sent me this today......of her, "Phoenix Sunset" Just so Beautiful......... Thanks for sharing girlie!! |
Nice pics! We haven't seen the sun over here for a while...
Aardvark, heh. It's sort of Dutch (Looks a bit African) and translated it means 'Earth Pig' :)
Just like the animal, aha...
I got a lil surprise, my website is back up, I think :) Hopefully I fixed it all! No need to check out all the old stuff anymore :P Lemme know if someting fails and please don't break anything haha.
Take care!
Hi Everyone!
A quick hello! I'm back to reality after a long break...
Nice one, Ritchie. Always can count on you to help Jules with i.d''re a smart cookie! Hey, Jules, when ya putting up Ritchie's post?
Bonnie, love that sunset...that pic of you and the girls getting your mani and pedi is nice! You and Jules are lovely ladies! <3
AND BAS!!! DAMMIT!!! It was so good to look at your blog again! Nice photos you added. I'm gonna comment soon.
Have you seen my plane yet?
Much love,
Hey Miss T...First off thanks for posting my pic. It was quite a beautiful sunset. Secondly, that is a BAD ASS jet. Wow! Can you imagine flying that thing? Sheesh! I'm sure just watching the vid rocked your
The pic of us girls is to cute. I love being part of the gang. I fit in quite nicely as another crazy one. Hee! That was some fun that day with all the beautiful ladies. Tell them hello again when you see them Thursday:)
Bas...sun is pretty much shining all the time in my part of the I can't iamagine not seeing the sun.
Thanks was such a blast meeting Jules and all her wonderful friends.
Bas Man.........I clicked and I still got the 'Red alert' thingie.....!!
Dammit........the hell...!!....I wonder if its my computer.....??!!......OK, I promise not to cuss anymore......!!
as you know...I got to your older blog 'posts'.....the other day..(very exciting)...
I'm gonna try again and again's been too damn long...!!!
Why would anyone name a Jet after an "Aardvar"........ever see one.....They are "UGGGGALY"
kinda like an 'Anteater"....Jeezus...!!
first day back at studies.....Hope it went good...I need to see some 'post' about what your studying....!!
Let me go try and get on your blog again.........!!
later Comrade!!!!!!
Hey GG.......!!!
Oh boy back to school..."Teach"........
Yep, I'm working on Ritchie's post.......and I want it to be "Just rigtht"....I just flat out "LOVE"........putting 'posts' that have very little to do with me.........!!WELL..........It's not my fault my inner "Smart Ass" is always dying to come out....!! did you get into Bas's blog....did you click on his 'avatar' that shows here......??
Love ya dauuuling!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Bonnie are so Welcome!!!.Damn 'Woman' took some "Awesome" pictures......!!!
The video is rocking all right.....!!
and the 'nerves' of steel......those pilots had to have....!!
That is one 'Intimidating' Jet!!!
I surely will tell the "Thursday" gang hello for ya......!!!!!!!!!!
and Thanks again, for sharing your pictures.....!!
Love Ya.....Dauuuling!!
Miss T
Hi All,
What a great set of pics!
Did you also know, the Aardvark has an escape pod! If the pilots have to eject it's like something out of Thunderbirds, the whole thing comes out of the airplane!
I can get on Bas' blog from the home computer now but the work one still doesn't like it - I guess it could just be using historic site info to base its decision on...
Take care all
D from the UK :)
(previous post had typo in so I deleted it - mindful of the chalkbrush!!)
Excellent, Dave...
(standing down on the chalkbrush...)
@Giulia, I think I have bad news...
PH-BQP is back in its old colors :( They painted her over into the KLM blue, too bad! I didn't even get to see a glimpse!
Thanks! Feels good to have that thing back up and running again!
@Bon, That sounds awesome! Mind if we borrow some over here?
Oh and by the way, I think if you're using Google Chrome they haven't lifted the ban on my website again!
I had to do all kinds of weird stuff and now they're re-considering my website or something.
Yeah, like I know what I'm doing. I don't get half of the stuff and neither am I bothered to learn it haha.
Hey Dave....
WOW about the 'Eject'....I'll have to look that up on yutube..!!!'s a Wild looking aircraft from the 'vantage' points of the pictures I posted....!!!....Damn "Aardvarks".........;))))))
About Bas's blog, I'm having serious 'Withdrawl' not being able to visit his blog!!!....Grrrrr.
It's a "Real Bummer"......while worshiping at the work "Aviation Computer"....pulling up all that "Aviation" PORN..!!.....The trick to not getting to time your clicker, if anyone walks in your office..........One 'Preplanned'......suitable web link comes on your screen.....!!!!.....Everybody's happy...!!!!
maybe you need a bigger "mainframe".......!!!!!!!
I've got SO many Aviaiton least a zillion..!!!!!!
Course, I'll never find anything...OMG..!!
HEY, I GOT IT.....and many times......thats all that matters.......even if you never pull any of it up ...again.......Just knowing I have it....its good enough......!!!
Ha Ha.
LOL...about GG's chalk brush...she can hum that thing as if its thrown on a "FROZEN ROPE"....."KaBOOM"...
I ought to know.....I get smacked up side the least once a day......
Huh GG.....(said while spitting out that nasty ass chalk brush).
Have a great rest of the week, you two.....!!
and also for anyone who comes to visit...!!.....and Thank you for doing so.!!
Hi Jules, re the ejection system, this was all I could find.....
Thanx Dave.......!!!
You might want to check your seat from now on........LOL!!!!!!!!!
Just so ya know, I stole Bon's pics and claimed them for my own LONG b4 u, LMAO!!!!
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