Its Friday........Yea.......A couple of "Points to Ponder"
.........Have a Great weekend.......!!!!
1. Money cannot buy happiness, but it’s more comfortable to cry in a
Mercedes than on a bicycle.
2. Forgive your enemy, but remember the
bastard's name.
3. Help someone when they are in trouble and
they will remember you when they're in trouble again
4. Some people are alive because it's illegal to shoot them......;/ ☺ |
Scroll Alert........!!!!!!!!!!
To the "Scrolling impaired".......
I'll provide...5 yr olds in the throes of a "Sugar buzz" do the 'Scrolling" for of charge.........of course separate 'Shipping and 'HAND'ling chrg's may apply..........(Smile)
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Dammit GG and Dave, quit your "Whining" look, I'll throw in a fresh pack of 'double A' batteries...... |
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Look its the "Energizer bunny"...... he keeps going and going and going..............;)))) |
'Ritchie'.....AKA......'Craig R'........who is a 'Dear' friend to all of us here at MissTWA and is a member in very good standing..of the "Aviation Appreciation Society............Well he ...........travels thousands and thousands...........of air miles.......every year.........and I do mean thousands.........of miles............
Well, he had a one day Victoria British Columbia.....and he let me tag along.........seems this trip .....wasn't......the usual.........."crazed".......getting up at 5 in the take 3 connecting nowhere...staying in a crappy hotel........eating crappy food......then Friday........load yourself........back on those 3 connecting flights.....which, of will leave you stranded.........trying to get home.......
Then doing the same......on Monday.....!!......Oh Ritchie........I tend to think of the 'Romance' of flight................and can't really as a
'Rat race'......flying........!!!........Well, lucky taking me along.........for a lovely trip across.......Canada............!!!! Documenting........the many images......of this short and sweet trip.......of enjoyed so much.........!!
The following are 'Slides' ..of this trip......!!!.....and interesting 'Tidbits' of short cuts........and lessons.........Ritchie......learned the hard way........of course he has a 'Loud mouth brat' his even more 'heartache'......LOL.............So here we go......
This is an 'Abbreviated'...........version.......realizing .....everyone's time is limited..........My Thanks to all who come to visit.......!!!!..........These pictures were all Ritchie along...........the way...........
Thank you again Ritchie.......for sharing........and taking the time to document.........!!!
What an Awesome Prezzie ......the following are pictures..........of that......trip.......I Hope you Enjoy the ride along..............
Is that you the 'Special Needs'........gate.....Yikes.!!!...;))
The B777 we came in on will continue on to Hong Kong in an hour or from here......we have a long walk to get to the gates where the little prop planes are..... Since it will be an international departure, we arrive at a (‘swing’ gate), meaning a gate that can be used for ether domestic or international flights. There’s a literal meaning too, since a glass divider door swings one way to direct arriving passengers into the domestic concourse, or swings the other way to direct them down a hall toward Customs. All the little regional planes go out of the C-30/36 gates, at the far west end of the terminal. International flights go from the middle of the terminal, and US flights from the far east end.
A quick check of the overhead board shows we leave from C31, and the flight is on time. On the way to gate C31 we pass a couple of silly statues in the YVR terminal. One, of a guy running like crazy with his bags, always makes me smile. I think it’s a statue of me! Some days, it really could be.........Glad to hear those "Speed Walking" are coming in handy.......;b
The C gates where the little prop planes leave from has a glass roof, and we can see (and hear) it’s absolutely pouring rain ….. which means we will get wet when we go outside to board our connecting flight to Victoria. We'll have to walk across the tarmac to get to our ride, and there’s no jetway to keep us dry. Welcome to Vancouver......Rain doesn't 'Kill'......:)
Our plane today is a Dash-8 100 series (and a new entry in the spreadsheet, since I’ve never flown this particular one before). It’s still in the old Jazz livery …I've Always loved the "Jazz" livery.......!!!......and the name.......was/is so 'Catchy'...!!! white plane with the word “Jazz” scrawled across it, this time in lime green paint. Other Jazz planes have the logo in blood red, or blaze orange. I like this colour scheme, but they’re slowly fazing it out and adopting the Air Canada mainline livery, with an Air Canada Express branding replacing Jazz. It’s attractive too, but I do like the old planes as well. I’ll miss them.:(((((
They call priority boarding just as the rain lets up for a moment (told you this was an unusually good trip!) so we take full advantage and dash to our Dash 8. Ever flown on one of these planes Jules?.........NOPE.....NEVER FLEW A DASH-8....;(
It’s quite a different experience than the nice pod seats in the 777’s J(Heard that Dave....dammit.....ha ha) cabin. It’s small, it’s crammed, and it’s loud. But the Dash 8 is a great airplane, and who gives a shit anyway, because in 25 minutes we’ll be in Victoria (YYJ).
The flight from YVR to YYJ is normally spectacular – think beautiful ocean islands, inlets, shoreline mountains and crashing surf, all at turbo-prop altitudes. Not so today, thanks to the rain. At 5,000 feet we’re in a white cloud haze, and we don’t leave it till we touch down in Victoria 25 minutes later.
Our Dash-8.......with 'lifesaver' Green livery.........!!
So weird to see the propellers.... from the window seat......thats a first for me......!!
Our Dash-8 Cabin view...yea looks a little the long as there's room for a glass of wine.....won't hear a peep from me.........;))))
Tonite staying at the Fairmont Empress. The "Empress" opened in 1908 and is one of the grandest, most elegant hotels anywhere. Taking high tea on the terrace overlooking the harbour is a tradition that goes back to the turn of the last century, and continues today. looks like a "Castle"........
Love the "History" lesson tooooooo....!!!!!!!!!
View of the harbour.....♠
In the opposite direction, north of the hotel, is the Victoria Harbour Seaplane Airport. Harbour Air is the primary airline servicing it. They operate a large fleet of de Havilland DHC-3 Otters that have all had their original piston engines replaced with turbos, as well as bubbled windows that let you stick your head past the outer skin of the plane and look straight down. Cleanest Otters I’ve ever seen. They also have a smaller fleet of Turbo DHC-2 Beavers, and a couple of DHC-6 Twin Otters too. They do regular scheduled flights to several small communities, but most of the business is an hourly shuttle to downtown Vancouver. They also do flights to Vancouver YVR Airport, where they land in a river channel right beside runway 8 R / 26 L.
In the past you’ve heard Captain Doug (and me) refer to the Flying Beaver Restaurant in Vancouver.Yes.......I have pictures from Captain Doug's blog.....of him there on the warf....on a layover....also how good the food is at, the "Flying Otter"....Oh and that Odd looking pick up truck........used to 'tow' the seaplanes in and out of the water... That’s Harbour Air’s base at YVR. Here in Victoria, the restaurant is called the Flying Otter. It’s cute that their restaurants pay homage to the aircraft in their fleet. They have good food, too, and great patios overlooking the docks. A few planes come and go, then there’s commotion as a couple of planes hustle to taxi way off to the side, out of the main channel they normally use. A moment later, the MV Coho, a 340-foot ferry that runs between Victoria and Port Angeles, Washington, looms into view. I would get out of its way too!!!.....see below........
better move your Beeehind....,
(Tail # C FHAD....)
#315..this number is located at the front of fuselage...don't know what is means..........??
Harbour Air DHC-6.......or a DHC-3......?????
Loading for CYVR........
There are some excellent restaurants in Victoria, Tonight, it’s Italian at a wonderful restaurant called 'Il Terazzo'......I Love the 'Brick Oven'.......fireplace.....inside....!!
After an excellent meal and wine.......... on way back to the hotel..........the harbour is 'Still and Peaceful', and the view of the legislature and the hotel at dusk is beautiful!!!
VERY Lovely indeed!!!!
The harbour normally full of pleasure boats, whale watching boats and harbour taxis, but this being November, it’s pretty quiet. The tourists have gone and all that stuff is shut down for the year.
![]() | Dusk.............♠ |
"Legislature" at Dusk.........across from the hotel.......NICE...!!
One cool benefit to belonging to Fairmont’s President’s Club is that I can request workout clothing. When I check into my room, it’s waiting for me in a neat little basket – a shirt, shorts, socks and new-ish running shoes. They know my size for everything from my client profile. I go work out and just leave the dirty stuff in my room. I don’t need to pack extra clothes and shoes, nor do I need to bring that stinky stuff home. It’s a great benefit, and best of all, it’s free. They have great gyms in all their hotels, so at least I can maintain some sort of quasi-regular exercise routine, and avoid turning into a human turnip.........Oh Ritchie.......please exercise for me..........while I have 'Tea' on the terrace........ha ha....;)........and then......I'll be 'Chowing' at the buffet....
(oink oink)
Early Sunday morning................... it’s off to spend 12 hours on my feet at a conference, followed by dinner with some colleagues and clients. Suffice to say that after a 16-hour day, I’m absolutely beat.Pooooor Baby......... Those "Starched" Socks and skivvies... will keep ya standing......for 12 hours.......Now get to "Work" and support us the "Aviation fashion", I've become used to...........Grrrrr
Time to check in online for that flight home in the morning. Up at the crack of's now time to check out........and catch the shuttle bus back to the airport.
Time to check in online for that flight home in the morning. Up at the crack of's now time to check out........and catch the shuttle bus back to the airport.
Victoria Airport is pretty small, so there’s no worry about long lineups for anything. The biggest plane that comes in there is a daily Air Canada A320, that arrives late at night from Toronto then returns there very early the next morning. Westjet flies its 737s there, normally from Calgary and Edmonton. Otherwise, it’s all turboprops and regional jets. Alaska Airlines, through its Horizon affiliate, runs a Q400 every couple of hours to and from Seattle, while Air Canada has an hourly Dash-8 to/from Vancouver. It’s every 30 minutes during rush hour, very much like a flying bus. They also have jet service to Calgary, normally with CRJ-200s and occasionally with Embraer E-175s. The main runway is 7,000 feet, and an A320 or 737 eats up a whole lot of it on takeoff – especially when fully fuelled for trans-continental to Toronto.....
I'd Love to watch the A-320's take off on a shorter runway.....!!!!!
I'd Love to watch the A-320's take off on a shorter runway.....!!!!!
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runs a Q400 every couple of hours to and from Seattle.... |
Our little Dash-8 100 (fin 835, C-GJSX) is another new entry in the spreadsheet. This one has the Jazz logo in a rather faded orange paint, so I suspect it will be on its way to a paint shop sooner rather than later.:(((
The takeoff is uneventful, and being a nice day, the climbout takes us over the channel islands. Vancouver Island, and the hundreds of smaller islands around it, truly is beautiful....
(see pic below).... The ocean is as flat as glass, and I keep an eye out for pods of killer whales. Sometimes you see them, sometimes you don’t. We have a tail wind, so out flight to YVR will take only 16 minutes, coasting along at barely 5,000 feet. It’s a great view!!!!......It Is!!.......We drew straws to see who got the 'Window Seat".......I friggin Lost..........!!
But...Sometimes I don't play fair...........and I still stole......the window seat.....,
"Ya Snooze you lose".....!!!!!!!!!!!!..besides I can run faster....♠
(see pic below).... The ocean is as flat as glass, and I keep an eye out for pods of killer whales. Sometimes you see them, sometimes you don’t. We have a tail wind, so out flight to YVR will take only 16 minutes, coasting along at barely 5,000 feet. It’s a great view!!!!......It Is!!.......We drew straws to see who got the 'Window Seat".......I friggin Lost..........!!
But...Sometimes I don't play fair...........and I still stole......the window seat.....,
"Ya Snooze you lose".....!!!!!!!!!!!!..besides I can run faster....♠
We land in YVR and deplane through the same gate we left from – C31. There are about 40 people waiting for AC to turn the plane around so they can continue on their way to Victoria. surely does look like a cave.....!!! surely does look like a cave.....!!!
The flight home to YYZ is late. It’s a B767-300, coming inbound from Shanghai, China. It will leave from a swing gate (C50), close to where we got off the 777 from Toronto only two days earlier. But there is time to kill, since it’s still somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. May as well hang out in the Maple Leaf Lounge.
On the way there, I pass a gate where a flight to Toronto is in final boarding. I am tempted to walk up and ask the gate agent if I can get on,I know.............your NOT about to leave my nappy ass behind.............. but I can see there are already 10 – 12 standby passengers waiting. What a relief..............ha ha........!! My frequent flier status would allow me to bypass them all and have access to the first available seat, but I am not really in a rush, and don’t want to be a dick. Besides, at this time of day (mid-afternoon) the lounge will have soup, pasta and some tasty deserts. And, of course, all the beer and wine I want. It makes waiting for a late connection a bit more bearable.
The Maple Leaf Lounge in Vancouver is located near the middle of the terminal, close to the C-50 gate. The door is midway along a decorative stone wall that they installed when they spruced up the terminal for the 2010 Olympics. I always feel like I’m heading into a cave when I go there. Oh well.
The plane, Fin 648 (C-GEOU) is a former Canadian Airlines 767. I haven’t flown on it in two years, and it felt old the last time I was aboard. Boeing better get its shit together and get those 787s delivered pronto! These ol’ girls have earned their retirement.
It may be an older bird, but it does its job beautifully and the flight home is uneventful (exactly as I like it). Landing is on Runway 05 – same one we left from. Pilot totally greases the landing, I didn’t even feel the wheels touch. We left Vancouver late, but made up a lot of time thanks to a heavy tailwind – at one point the inflight entertainment system said we were doing 680 mph. So we’re only a few minutes late arriving in Toronto. We’re taxiing to yet another swing gate. Interesting to have that three times in one trip.
Everyone has their quirks, and I’m no different. Whenever I arrive someplace I always like to turn around after entering the terminal, to look at the board and see where my airplane is off to next. It’s 10 pm on the nose when I step into the Toronto terminal, and looking around behind me, I see this jet leaves for Santiago, Chile, at 11:30 pm. These things only make money when they’re in the air, and the airline doesn’t waste any time getting them turned around as fast as they can.......Oh Ritchie.......just like a true "Aviation Geek"..............I Love it!!!!!!!!!!
And NOW.......we're back to where we the parking garage.......using the pic on Ritchie's find........the truck.....!!A quick check of the pictures in my cell phone shows the truck is parked on level four, spot C30. Get in the truck and erase the photo – I made the mistake of not doing that before, and wound up walking to the wrong parking spot on a subsequent trip...LOL.....!!
Pay for parking, and 40 minutes later I walk through my front door.
Pay for parking, and 40 minutes later I walk through my front door.
Another day, another dollar........Mmmmmm.............Maybe so .................but you've made this "Aviation Geek" so happy that you shared this weekend with all of US............!!!!!!!!!
and for those who visit......I hope you enjoyed this trip.....with much as I did..........!!??
I hope you enjoyed the ride. Sorry it’s so long, but this was a short trip! When I go to Asia or Europe, it’s for a week or more.
Ritchie..........don't you dare apologize........!!!!!!!!!
Thank you a million times.......for sharing...........and all the effort....and time to put this together.....for us who 'Love' much............Please take us along again sometime..............KK??!!....Now how do I get rid of this
"JET LAG"........;))
"JET LAG"........;))
''Disclaimer"...I really do get 'Embarassed' when I see my 'miss spelled' words....and such.........!! remember those miss spelled words are a sign of 'Affection'..........
Thanks so much for your visit.............!!
ya'll Take Care now.......
Oh Ritchie,
What a brilliant post - giving us an insight into your busy life on the road (or in the air more specifically). I did enjoy your 1 year blog experiment - I don't think you ever did an aviation post like this on it, more's the pity.
I fly to the Maldives in 42 days time and your info packed post and pics has certainly given me some pointers as to what to send to Jules for the trip report - talk about setting the bar high, wouldn't have expected less......
I love the spreadsheet idea, you are a real avia-geek! LOL!
Do you ever visit the cockpit or get the chance to thank the flight crew in person for that greaser?
My brother lives on Vancouver Island and regularly makes a similar journey to the one you describe but this is so much more informative and fun than any description of his!
Well, I could go on but this comment is in danger of becoming longer than your wonderful guest post, suffice to say thank you very much for taking time out of your very busy schedule to think of us fellow geeks and taking us along for the ride, it really is appreciated (and thank you to Jules for hosting!)
All the best!
Dave from the UK :)
OMG!!! It's about time!!! I have been waiting for this post for such a long time!!!
BUT IT WAS SO WORTH THE WAIT! Thanks, Craig, for taking Jules along...and I find that she wasn't her usual P.I.T.A. <3
Let me look it over again. Between looking at the beautiful photos and reading the great tips and information, I'll be good for the week! Again, thanks so much.
Now you are gonna be expected to put together something like this when you travel on your week long trips...yes, bratty, spoiled geeks that keep wanting more.
Like Dave, I too miss the blog you had...but with guest posts like this, I'll be happy.
Before I go--2 things...
Not all families with kids in tow are grief at security. My family's got it down to a science...
Two, using a pair of used running shoes? Hmmm....still not 100% convinced. I'll still pack mine. Or just skip the exercise and balloon like " a turnip"... :)
Sorry to be picky but that Harbour Air floatplane is a DHC-3.....
Hey Ritchie, I looked hard in that car park pic, I can't see that Mercedes ML AMG anywhere!!!
Hey there Dave.....I'm so glad you love...Ritchie's post........for the most part.....its all in his words..........Well........except for a few...'Smart ass'....comebacks........Don't blame me....(big Smile).
Oh and Hell Yes.........when you and the on holiday.....I better get a damn report..complete with 'log' book.....and dammit get in the 'cockpit'.....;)))...I am going to enjoy that putting your 'post' well!!!!!!!!!!!
Who needs 'sleep'........I can sleep when I'm dead........!! I so agree..Dave..and the risk of sounding like a broken record..........Thank You again and again....Ritchie......for thinking of us.'Aviation Geeks' such as our "Aviation Alter" so much more interesting.......!!
Have a great week....Dave from the Beautiful...UK..............
Hey GG.......Now you "Hush Up"...Dammit.....HA!!!
..I know it took a while.....but the time had to be just right...and of course...TLC when representing...a friend...., to be remains true....!! well..!!
Ritchie may have put his life in his own...hands.....letting me tag along......;)))
I haven't checked lately.....I'm not his personal "No Fly" list just yet....I'm just being
Is it my 'senile' mind...but what does P.I.T.A. <3 mean???.....
of course, nothing was meant, the 'family with kids' comment was meant as a blanket everyone....!!
After all...........Ritchie took a 5 year old with him......;))
its only want to get to the 'Maple Leaf' lounge for some free wine...ASAP.....!!
Have a great week my girl!!!
pontoon seaplane.......
is a DHC-3.....I believe so...and what a good eye.....if such is the case......I called it a '3' as well......but only after 'Google' pointed me in the right direction.....;)) remember that "Post".......Ritchie put up....on his "Bullshit' blog......about the 'Woo's' of having to test driving(Whatever)...a
".Mercedes ML AMG"
........and ending up at some California winery.........only to be a pat on the sample the wine!!!!!!!!!!!!
Too funny....I even considered having a 'charity bake sale' help pay for Ritchie's ...."Post Traumaatic...well you know the rest....)
Too Bad Ritchie isn't here to accept his "Prezz'ie".....!!!!!!!
Ha Ha...good thing I kept the "Receipt"......
Maybe I was a BIGGER Pain in the Ass than I thought..on the trip........OMG........
Yep......check with the Airlines.........and I'm only cleared now to fly in the 'Cargo bay'....DHL or FedEx.....still waiting on a callback from "Cargo Lux"..........;))))))......
It sure is lonely "Down here" cargo.......No effin window seats......
Hey kids!
Thanks for the kind words, everyone, and apologies for being so long to chip in. I’ve been on the road (big shock). I hope you enjoyed tagging along on my business trip to the Left Coast! Believe me, this was indeed one of the nicer ones. I don’t think anyone wants to see pictures of me stuffed into a couple of regional jets or camping out at the Hampton Inn … which is far more typical of business travel in North America.
Good job on the post, Julie, glad you got the pictures in the right order! One of these days you and your “Spousal Equivalent” (term of the day!) will have to pack some bags and go visit Victoria for real. Pictures are fun, but they honestly can't do the place justice. It's still one of my favorite places on earth.
Dave – yeah I know the spreadsheet makes me an aviation geek. Thanks! And yup, the 767 Captain did pop out of the cockpit to see the pax off after my flight home (love when they do that), so I did say thanks for the smooth flight and landing. I think it caught him off guard, but he seemed to appreciate the thought anyway. And for the record – no Mercedes Benz vehicles in my driveway, sadly. As much as I would love a nice SL 65 AMG, I would be terrified of putting a ding in the door or a stone chip in the hood. A car that would spend this much time in an airport parking garage would get beat up pretty fast. I’ll stick to my present Leopard Tank.
Giulia – I know what you mean on the shoes. It’s kind of like wearing bowling shoes. But when you live out of a carry-on bag, not having to lug a bulky pair of running shoes along is a major, major plus. And Fairmont is good about rotating the things – it’s often hard to tell if they’ve ever been worn before. I just love that I don’t have to haul any extra stuff, which again, is a HUGE consideration when you live out of a 20-inch rollaboard.
As a matter of interest, if anyone wants to see a photo of the Air Canada 767 that started my fin number spreadsheet (fin 645, reg. C-GBZR), you can copy and paste this link in your browser window: The plane was known as “Free Spirit” and started life with Canadian Airlines. It came into Air Canada’s fleet when they acquired Canadian in 2000. It’s since been repainted in standard Air Canada livery, which is unfortunate. That said, the last time I saw this plane in its Free Spirit scheme, it was looking pretty ragged, with chunks of paint peeled off here and there. It’s amazing how much wear and tear they see!
For a picture of the A319 in Trans Canada Airlines livery, copy and paste this one: The 319 is still flying around in its TCA colour – or at least it was when I last flew on it in October 2012.
Craig R
Haha what a fun post! Love both YYZ n YVR!
Coming from a former DHC driver, I can verify, that's a 3...the 6 is a Twin Otter, my first "Captainship," and I also flew -7's (fun, 4-engine beasties) and the DCH-8, or "Dash 8!"
Man, I want me some-a dat "J Class," lol!!!
Thanks to BOTH of you for sharing some of your adventure!
PS—Looks like we lost Ryan the PIlot's blog--he "retired," boohoo! His pics r up on FB tho:
And I STILL can't access Bas's awesome site without Google screaming at me about malware! Bas, I know it's probably BS, but wtf can be done about this debacle?!?!
Hey Cappy........before I your comments.........
I read that Ryan is
..It's True......I tried to go.........there...........
'Ryanthepilot's blog is GONE..!!!!!!!!
OMG......I'm going to Miss my "Blue"
I know I/WE are going to MISS him Dearly.....!!
OK..I just got on F/B....I'll have to go look......for his pics....Thanks Cappy for sharing.......
I/We Wish Ryan and his family the Best...!!!
..and Ryan...... you better damn well, show your.....face...from time to AT MissTWA MissTWA...You don't want me 'hutting' you down.......
(weak smile)
There will always a place at the table for!!
I'm SO BLUE!!!!!!!!1
Hey Ritchie.......Glad you like the 'post'...!! They are so much "Fun"..putting them together......when it's a 'post' of one of us.....traveling....!!
Mmmm.....send me a pic of you camped out at the 'Hampton Inn'...put another log on the fire for chrises sake......;)))
or stuffed in a regional jets.......
I remember how much they rattled when flying from...Newark to Ottawa...I was in the first row....only 1 or 2 the whole damn gally was rattling so loud while taxing...!!!
Thanks for the 'link' to the pic of your first "TAIL".......You know, I'll be going check it out......!!!
You take it easy Ritchie.....and drag us along 'virtually'.....any time......!!
I've never flown so 'Cheap'..!!! Ha Ha!!
You do the 'flying'.....and I'll do the 'Posts' and!!!
one of many "Aviation" Geeks Dream.......
Safe Travels....and hows that 'athletes foot' working out for ya....Kidding....!!
Hey Cappy......I knew you would "Love" this post!!
and was excited to for you to read......!!
Have you ever been to the "Flying Otter"...
I would "LOVE" to be sitting out there on deck....with spiked hot chocolate....for starters.(I heard the food is so good.......and watch all those burly Bush Pilots" the
DHC-3's and all the pontoon....flying ships. strutting....them proud "Peacocks".....Come on GG........lets go dammit.....!!
and your book.....
"Last of the Bush Pilots"...tells it's own "Bush Pilot" stories........a Very good "Read" Indeed".....!!
I still can't get into Bas's either..!!!!!!!!!
later Cap.....
Yes, I'm still "Blue".......:(
Great photos, great post! Living in South Vancouver where I can see airport arrivals from the east between the house roofs, on occasion I lunch at the Flying Beaver at Harbour Air's floatplane base (CAM9). I love Victoria, even better than Vancouver, having grown up in Duncan an hour north of the Capital City. You sure stayed in the best place, ate at a great establishment--did everything right and in style! And love the Inner Harbour. But I've not yet flown on a Turbine Otter or a Beaver, but have been on a few Twin Otters (including CAF's CC-138 Twin Otters in their bright yellow SAR colour scheme) back in the mid-1970s when I was in the Royal Canadian Air Cadets attending Basic Training Summer Camp at CFB Penhold near Red Deer, Alberta. Picture doing a series of loops and hammerheads at 10,000 feet over the Canadian prairie on a blue-sky day! Thanks for sharing.
Hello Stephan........Welcome to MissTWA's humble blog......!!
So glad you enjoyed the "Post"......!!!
It was Major Fun.....putting together.......and Ritchie taking the take and log the pictures you see!!
How Cool, you can see the arrivals from the East.....I'm So Jealous.....I would be "Homesteadign" on those roofs......big time....
;)))and I would gladly settle for a few "Loop-d-loops and 'hammerheads'.....I do have a 'hard head'..;/
So glad you stopped by for a visit......please come back soon....and Thank you as well....for shareing some of your 'Story' with us.....!!!
Money can't buy happiness ..... but J Class beats the cheap seats every time.
Just another point to ponder :-)
Good Point...Ritchie...!!!!
I am going to lay down on a "J" classs...........I just bet it's weird to do so.....especially, if its your first time....I think they're so damn 'Awesome'!!!
Later Gator.......♠
I think it was Spike Milligan who once said "Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy the kind of misery I can live with....."
OH Dave...........How Perfect............"Misery".. loves company........!!
and really ......why not buy the best that "Misery" has to offer............
Warm and Fuzzy fealing............;))))
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