and their "Air Doris's.......will make ya feel right at home........!!
It's only 2 minutes of your life...........Come On.......WATCH...........;)))))
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"TWA Airline's" Museum Anniversary Party......... on Saturday, May 18th, 2013...............♥♥♥♥♥ |
Look What a friend put on my F/B page.....OMG.......I wish we could all go.......together....!!!!!!!!!
You are cordially invited to attend the TWA Museum Anniversary Celebration, Saturday, May 18, 2013 from 1PM - 4PM
Ruth Richter Holden, daughter of one of TWA's founders, Paul E. Richter will be "On Board".
Beverages and a light lunch will be served ($15.00/each).
Please RSVP by Friday, May 10th! Cut off the Boarding Pass provided below and mail it to the TWA Museum, 10 Richards Road, Kansas City, Mo 64116 with the $15.00 per person required.
► IF
you are unable to print out the boarding pass, merely write on a piece
of paper the information required and mail to TWA Museum, 10 Richards
Road, Kansas City, Mo 64116♥ the 'link' see on F/B.......Ruth Richter Holden, daughter of one of TWA's founders, Paul E. Richter will be "On Board".
Beverages and a light lunch will be served ($15.00/each).
Please RSVP by Friday, May 10th! Cut off the Boarding Pass provided below and mail it to the TWA Museum, 10 Richards Road, Kansas City, Mo 64116 with the $15.00 per person required.
This week..........while my Daughter-n-law and my 2 Granddaughters were waiting....on their Dad to fly into New Orleans...........from work........Kaitlin12 and Jasmine11.......took this short video.....of a Southwest coming into MSY.......!!!!!!!!!........Maybe Maw Maw Julie is rubbing off on them after all..........LOL.....Thank you......for this Awesome video.......I love you.!!!
There is NO such thing as a bad 'Jetspot' picture........especially when taken by a Granddaughter...........THANK YOU KAITLIN..........♥ |
Cappy sitting at the my St. Louis.....he was about to push back.........Thank you Cappy so much.....♠ |
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RIP...........Big Brother..............although there will be No peace.....ever......for the families........♦ |