

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

'Quiet prayers...♠Cappy's video documentary of crash...♠...and a few 'Reminders'.....♠

It is truly been a rough and sad year for Aviation...too many crashes.....especially at 'air shows'.......but really 1 is too many......there is certainly enough 'heart ache' to go around.....with the 19 firemen killed  week or so ago....we remember the high number of death tolls....but I am also sad about...any...loss of life....its such a gift to be able to breath in and out.....and think of your blessings........and not the negative....the best gift we can give to one another as well, is to be there for others.......when they can't go it alone.......I know from Experience lately......and I can't Thank my friends..and family ...for helping me through with out a doubt the ''darkest'....time of my life........the last couple of months.......well you might think....what the hell do you have to complain about....your life looks peachy from here.........trust me...if you only knew.......and another thing....is to recognize as well.......that there are people who have so much worse.........Our 'Hearts' go out to the families of the plane crash.....all of them...I'm putting 2 links........with video.....not to glorify it, but to feel or just begin to know by watching.....that we have to be there......for those families even if its......just a quiet prayer no one will hear...I believe those quiet prayers will make their way to those who are in pain....with their unbearable loss........


Please take a moment to watch Cappy's video he put together all the factors.....with ATC footage......cockpit....angle ..eye witness video......and transcript....of news footage.....Thank you Cappy.......you did an Awesome Job.........!!!!!



 A Few Reminders...........


Just say....."Phuket"........

 I know that look anywhere especially in the mirror...........;O

Jet life......or die trying............♥

Check this Rain storm out..............

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