

Monday, January 13, 2014

Off Suicide watch........so here are a few cool slides before....putting GG and Dave and LuLu.....'post' yea I know I'm slow.♥

The Saints loss was crushing...........to 'Suck' like rotten eggs........oh well life goes on and I can't spend ........every minute under 'Suicide watch'............I've pulled up my big girl pants.........I was surfing Aviation site...out.......and found some cool..........shit.......here let me show ..a couple.............

Ain't gotta tell me twice............;/

Pass Port wallet...........how cool is that......♥


(Paul Daniel will so proud of me....)......now here's a  real link........for puppy dogs......Hilarious.......♠.


Hey GG, can I get an 'AMEN'........lol...♠
 Here's a video I took at MSY..........on the knewly named........."Perv Road".........ha ha.....Southwest taking off.........and I say 'bye bye'.....kinda cool for someone who can't hold anything without shaking............(DT's)......ha ha..


Below the 'link' to Delta's last flight.....of their DC-9.........A sad day....○


Take a look/see At this dinosaur .... The age if the 'Microwave oven'..I guarantee you put A slab of bacon in one end..by the time it rolls out . It will be fully 'Cooked'.. Fried to a crisp ...!!!And they wonder why so many of us have 2 or 3 extra toes...!!!!

Published on Jan 11, 2014
This UPS Boeing 747 arrived on runway 06 after a flight from Dubai. Runway 06 has no ILS, so this was a visual approach. Have a look at the heavy vibrations of the Flaps directly after touchdown.

Nite Nite .........."Peep".......Love you.....!

1 comment:

Giulia said...

Morning, "Peep!"

So glad that you are off suicide watch...silly girlie.

These slides are very funny! I like the "easy bake oven" one. Some seriously old piece of machinery.

And the baggage tags? LOL!

Okay, gotta get going on my day but before I go, a big hug to you and all.

The AAS post? Ah, the spirit is willing, but...
