

Saturday, March 29, 2014

..Cappy's take on MH370...possiblilites ...............♠2012-2013 chapter of the craziest 'Cross wind' landings...............♥


My opinion.....below:
Hello all....Thank you ...Captain Eric and Captain Palmer..for a very
well written article...it was an easy article..to read ......and to
those of us....who do not work in the Aviation field....but are the
Aviation 'Enthusiast' who live and breath Aviation 24/7....... so I am
speaking strictly as a member of the flying public..please, don't send
the 'You don't know the hell your talking about 'police' after
me......just yet......
..we know so little of what really
happened....so doesn't that kinda make us all experts..to the
degree...that so little to go on......nothing or everything.......can't
be taken off the table.....Yes the 24/7 coverage .....is a mind
numbing.......I look at it this way...it doesn't take a genius to filter
out the unbelievable..'bs'....the ...new 'catch phrase' theories
...description ...the missing plane.......!!
it at least makes me
think along......several different...possibilities ..after scrubbing
away....the before mentioned 'bs'......leaving everything on the
table..its the . cleaning of the table.........of 'scraps'.as best we
.....day 14 looks every bit as day 1 looked...as far as the
facts....are they facts because someone says they are ..........where
is the actual proof...hard evidence to ...in black and white.....and the
'All right Good Night'...have we actually heard for
ourselves........what about the recording....between...ATC and the
plane......has anyone heard for themselves...??
you know it's
scary......when the finding of a piece wreckage ... offers hope....when
normally it would normally bring sorrow......!!..
about.......covering the timeline of the plane...was emptied of prior
pax...go moment to moment.........contact was lost........maybe
something...can be seen on camera.......all those who signed
off.....after fueling...food caters, walk around's..etc...what about the
flights before.....talk to those crew who flew this same plane..did
anything..seemed amiss at all.??!!....
Well the last 20 years of
horrific.......acts of terrorism.....we do have a bit of a 'hair
trigger'..that comes to the surface........think.....about it.......all
the plane crashes.....in the last 20-30 yrs.....what were the main
reason..planes fell from the sky....pilot error....mechanical
failure...terrorism......ok....that said....and this being......a
'situation'....we've never known.....after 14 days..it seems that day
15 will also look and resemble day 1.......now......My prayers are with
families....who are the real....victims..as well..they carry on their
shoulders.....a sorrow.....hopefully we will never know......!!..
I've said............Fact:..we all know the plane landed....as landing a
plane...is considered a 'Controlled crash'....so one way or the other
the plane is on earth.....where are the 239 people ...after 2
weeks.....with NO contact.with them..at all.....you can't keep 239
people quiet.....they need clothes...meds....all the things we do during
a day.....that alone.......makes me think...they were
killed.......either by the hands of someone or group...or a horrible
crash.........I tend to think........they died 2 weeks ago......do to
mechanical...that is my 'unknown' 'unofficial source'..opinion !!
line the passengers need to come home one way or the other.....even if
just knowing .....where they are resting....I think....so the
families...can have some sort of a proper burial.......and since...most
do not come home.. but are left to their watery grave...
Have got to
find the hard evidence that is where they truly are....at least
then......the families...can have a proper burial........where they know
for a FACT.....their loved ones. are..........other wise.....they will
be doomed to, not ever be....quite sure.....and live in a perpetual
purgatory ...!!!!......These are just my thoughts.and again.Captain Eric
and Palmer...Thanks again for a fine article......that at the least
makes us think......outside the 'black box'. so to speak,...I know I've
jumped around a bit...writing this.......just consider my opinion one
you didn't ask for.......but one you at lease.....don't mind.......!!
Godspeed..to the families and passengers....♠

Found this this evening........on you-tube.......got some hair raising......glides........and barely controlled landings.........Enjoy....and Thank god you weren't on any of these flights....I tell you what.....these pilots..............are flat out 'HERO's
"................Please enjoy..........!!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Dave and LuLu vacation at the "Maldives".....or better known as ...'hell on earth'......again..........;/

here we go again..............Dave and LuLu bell..........vacationing in the Maldives......and as last time.....we got pics...of the fire and brimstone.....the hell on earth......lets review shall we...............

Now this is a lovely picture of you two....with the lovely 'sunset'........♥

"Dreamliner"........perfect landing............♥

Hurry Mother's.........cover your children's eyes..........so that they won't be scarred for life..........to be witness to 'HELL ON EARTH'.......Mmmm..........♥
You know Dave............one of these days your gonna listen to your Momma.....Grrrr....Next time I bet you shave them legs......and bath the night before...........OMG I think we can all learn a lesson from this.........and btw.....the Captain is filling out the proper paper work.........for the dedication ceremony to the 'No fly list'.......♥
FINALLY A LIGHT AT THE END........OF THE RUNWAY............Here we have our Beautiful LuLu bell.......donning her ...."Remove before flight risk"......tank'ie......I think we can all agree......both she and the 787 .....are 'dreamliner's'......♥
OMG.........see what cheap whiskey will do........Mr. Studly-do-right......with his .....channel.........clutch purse......perfect for those island .....get togethers.........;)
Oh what a breath of fresh air.......LuLu bell.....in her signature "Don't remove before flight risk..........tank'ie.....OMG.......Sexy Momma..........♥
Jet spotting.......and it's perfectly fine........to not have a clue........what airline this is........♠
or this one either..........it's a plane...........for chrise sakes............♥
I'm not EVEN gonna sugar coat this one............this can only mean one of two things.........either its the island 'taxi' service...........or  Dave just splurged and I know have a new ride...................Jeezus......○
Yep..........this has all the markings..........of a God Awful.......Peaceful day..........Please someone get me a glass of water......and some 'smelling salts.........;/

Dave .........your sho is look pretty damn 'spiffy' .........next to your lovely wife.........♥

Again.......I'm all about 'reruns'...........Lu Lu bell.............tickling the dreamliner's chin.......with her Saints shirt on.........Damn straight.....that's our good luck charm for the up coming season  WHO DAT..........♠

Hard as I tried ......I can't find one thing wrong with picture............BRAVO.......Dave.........Looking fine as frog hair............♥

She is such a beauty......with her eye make-up on perfect........she is 'dreamy' with her "Flirtatious" Smile........♥
Thank you Dave and LuLu...for sharing your Awesome slides with us.......looking forward to the cockpit......treasures........Love you both..........♥

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

gg and kids take over the cockpit........OMG.

OMFG.......I have so many things to post.......gg's trip and Dave's trip...........I'm going to start small..........here..........because too much put ..in a post........people shut down............so small, more intimate  ........mini posts..........anyway ..this is so damn.......exciting.........GG....and the kids get inside the cockpit....after returning back from a vacation .......to Cancun...................and LuLu....got in the cockpit.......on their trip to the Maldives...........we're going to start with just GG......first...and the 'Badeggs'..........LOL........ on their trip.........Mmmmmmmmmmm.............Hey Dave.........it ain't looking good for the home team.......dammit..............below are gg's words as to them getting in the cockpit.....Just listening........to you.............gg.......I was dying right along side of you........I've watched  the vids many times............feeling the same excitmemt...........beyond words.....
GG Say..

"Ha ha...we were the last to board the Westjet 737...going home after a week in Mexico.

The pilots saw the kids and asked if they wanted to visit the cockpit...little did they know what they started.

I'm showing you two videos...one I took inside...and one MIKE took of me while I was doing it...I look like a crazed person.

Check out how I squeeze myself in...nothing was gonna stop me.  I wouldn't let the F/O come out!!! INSANE!

Mike had to cough to make me realize that they wanted to get back in.

I was gonna shut the door and take over.  "Sorry, I don't know the code to let you in..."  ;)

ONE for the geek....below are the two 'links'........to click on  and watch the short videos.........they are so damn Awesome........!!!!!!


Here is Captain Bea........isn't she lovely.............She loves to fly......She is going to be an Aviation Geek............just like her Mother...............Good Choice Bea....Love you darling Bea....

and here we have .......my one and only "Superhero'.............F/O David...........He is handsome.......and ...........will make a fine Captain.......one day..........but he'll have to wait..........because Sister isn't gonna give up her seat................Love and miss you David, my one and only Superhero...........♠

Hello GG..................Gloating.......about that Awesome iphone thing'ie...........and you are looking pretty damn Spiffy...............Give me that damn phone cover thing'ie..............LOL>............

Way more to be continued ...........Peeps.......♥

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Dave and LuLu's chariot........♥

Moon over Amsterdam.........Thank you Anne for sharing...♥

Damn you two are looking hot as hell.............♥

Taken by Dave.......after landing in the Maldives..........Have a great time you two....!!!

They are flying ...in a Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner
Registration (4067F5)