

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Retirement.....:( SLIDES..........OF A DIFFERENT....SORT....♥

Damn....'ASS KISSER'........(Pathetic).....;)

YEA YEA YEA..........;)
 Last flight for this 747.......Landing.....at Rand Airport.........can never take off......from here the runway is too short.........VERY SAD..........!!!!!

Lets have dinner tonite...........??!!

What an Awesome gift for the pilot in your life...........or the wanna be............Mmmmm.......here's the 'link'..........♥https://www.etsy.com/listing/130781984/altimeter-necktie-mens-tie-ice-blue?ref=sr_gallery_36&ga_search_query=aviation+gifts&ga_ref=auto_recent&ga_page=5&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery

Good time to be Thank ful...for what we have.........♥

Thursday, June 26, 2014

'WIN'........don't 'tie'........!!!early moring shots.......from Anne...♠

GO TEAM USA............♥

For GG.......from Anne.........♠

Good Morning............
from Amsterdam............
Thank you Anne........

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Observations.....♠Dave.......AAS(Worldwide's) Ambassador.........♥

We each hold the world in the palm of our hands.........♥

Nature's flower.........


Let me start over............Good God.......Jules........put the wine glass down........and grab your ass with both hands....
our AAS(Worldwide)..AVIATION APPRECIATION SOCIETY(WORLDWIDE BRANCH)........has grown by leaps and bounds in the last several years.....with.....me flying to Ottawa..in February ..2012..to meet GG.....then her flight here ......that June......followed by Bonnie coming to visit..me..here...in November of the same year......I met her through Cappy's blog.....after......Dave and Lucy...come here last November........what a motherlode....and GG flies in the second week Dave and Lucy are here.....its been so Amazing......these wonderful connections(yes pun)....an Aviation family.............that continues to grow....!!!
June 18, Dave........met with with Alan Cockrell.....of http://alancockrell.blogspot.co.uk/  fame..
Dave has been a faithful follower  of Alan's blog...for several years.........."Decision Height".....so in mostly his words....he talks of his evening......Captain Cockrell and his First Officer had invited Dave to dinner.......but Dave had a 2 hr drive home......so declined.....the whole flight crew were there.......but they gave Captain Allan and Dave.........their own time...and space.
Dave said that Captain Cockrell...(Allan)..was lovely and they chatted for 2 solid hours.....and talked about Aviation but also about their lives........as well......like old friends..He sounds like a lovely man.....indeed...Dave....
and about being nervous.....I can relate to that....when Dave and LuLu  flew here last November....I was a ball of nerves........and I proved it by losing the 'parking ticket' only to find it and then Dave lost it......LOL>.......Captain Cockrell is retiring soon.........and he lives in Alabama.........Mmmm.....sounds like the makings of another AAS.......Convention...Seems the good Captain has a small plane......we can all meet up again here in New Orleans........God help us.........ha ha.....Bigger and more messier than the last.............Dave we are so proud of you.....Your the best Aviation Ambassador ever...!!!
Thank you Dave......for sharing.........this Awesome story.......!!!!

Dave and Captain Allan Cockrell.......in London..........you two sure are handsome.....for old timers..........ha ha......Excellent Job............Dave and Thank you Captain Allan.......for sharing your time with Dave..........thus, with us........BRAVO.............♥

A Big ole "Birthday Wish",
 to Paul{Daniel} Asuncion Today(6/22/12)..........
 the MissTWA blog....,
and especially from
"MissTWA" herself...and Giulia....

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Birthday Boy......another yr. closer to the 'dirt pile'.....;)Thinking outside of the 'shoe'.......♥ Father's day wishes....♥

I just love recycling.......this 'Masterpiece'....for the 3rd time.....the only thing different ....is the 'Livery'......as for the rest......just a matter of time......now......;)

 Well its that time of year again......The summer sun is HIGH IN THE SKY........That reminds me......The "OLD MAN"......turns the ripe old age of "Older than dirt"......Happy Birthday Cappy..........your can run but you can't 'fly'....with out your 'depends'....remember where ya heard it first.... ;b

Hey, don't blame us, if the shoe.....fits....♠

You know those times.......when .....you think.......you've been dealt a 'bad hand' in life........??!!........well meet this Awesome Awe inspiring woman.........Jessica Cox....after you read and see her story.......no matter what 'hand' your dealt from this point.........you should stop and count your blessings............please click on 'link' below to watch her video.....Cappy put together interviewing....her....

Hello Jessica, your are indeed a 'Role Model' to us all.........!!!

Her Lovely smile........is as bright as the sky she flies to....!!!
I've also add the 'link' to his blog.......to read and watch the video there as well...Thanks Cappy.....for sharing with us.....another wonderful story...of 'Spirit'......!!!..

......from the age of 8.....somehow, she knew she wanted to fly.......and it wasn't until 20ish yrs later........she relized her dream......as she says in her own words....

"I realized that if I could fly the plane with my own feet, then I am Pilot In Command of my whole life.”—Jessica Cox

My Brother-n-law(Bryan)  passed away.....on this past Friday....2 days ago, and while it was a very  rocky relationship between Bryan and Duck ...he was non the less 'family'..and I think in 'death'.....there are no winner's or losers'.......only time lost.....from this point......Rest In Peace Bryan...........

Also too, today is Father's day......so.........I want to 'Wish' all the Dad's, Poppas, Paw Paw's, Grandfathers, Nonna's , Brother's , Son's, Husband's ...a Very Happy Father's day....make today a new beginning......
tomorrow is not written in 'stone'........and we can only hope it  won't be written on a 'tombSTONE'......!!!
for all the Military Men.....serving around the world.........no matter what Country......a Special Father's day to you......especially, your sacrifice's do not go unnoticed.......and we say
 Thank you..........

Monday, June 2, 2014

Fence hugging.....♥Princess Bea...lesson...♥Dave's ......."Sim" adventure.............so cool.!!!! Welcome Francois..........!!!!!!

What this video proves is it takes one 'Fence Hugger' to know another.........OMG......the wingtip comes close...........LOVE IT..........Awesome  Video.........GG........♥
'Princess Bea'...being 'groomed' properly for fence hugging.....jetspotting...from her Mother(GG)...♥

Please if I can have a moment....of your time.........aside from those..............I know..........that at times I let a lot of time go by before I 'post'.......but that I don't post as I say........please forgive me..........your visit here.........is SO appreciated.........I just wanted to to say this...............to those........

And as far as 'comments'.........are not what I want.........but for those who visit......to leave with a shit eating grin...........at the very least.......and also........not to be too upset........that I procastinated...........!!??
NOPE...THE RUMORS........THAT I'M DEAD, ARE ALL FALSE.......so get back on your knees.......and keep praying..........to all our Aviation peeps..........

 DAVE........had a very very Big day last month.......on the 'Sim'......I'll let him tell in his own words.......but first......I added alot of 'fluff'...........or silly ass shit in between Dave's words........so please do read..........you may be called as a witness...................
A quick note about my visit to CTC Aviation in Southampton, UK. CTC offer a full(Potty) training program from virgin(FLOOZIES TOOOOOO) to airline pilot, they train all of the Easyjet (Mmmm)in the UK (Easyjet is a UK Low Cost Carrier)...$5.00 will only get you 2 minutes on MOST sims............Eshhhhhhhhhhh

I have visited CTC before when I sneaked in to an open day for prospective trainees!......Yea you sneak........LOL.......

Hello Dave's.........
 perched in his......F/O seat...
as he begins his 'Sim' adventure.....
here we goooooooooooooooo, I got to say...Dave..........your kinda cute......omg.....that was a weak moment....ughhh.....LOL

First of a couple of videos...........They are Awesome..............Oh Dave............
your the Shit.... 


Michael  my Instructor, like they were lined up...... was a retired captain who finished his career on the 747...... He couldn't have been nicer or more patient,......practice for 'Sainthood'......lol..........he's going straight to heaven........for this.......... we discussed my level "IN"experience and we agreed to practice some touch and go's for the next 2 years..........and basically anything I wanted.........funny when Dave asked for a drive through for fried chicken...........and daiquiri shop to go......OH MR. 747 DIDN'T SEEMED AMUSED.........HIS LOSS...........!!

We chose Gatwick (EGKK) in the UK, is there another......... as it is an area and airport I know well from "SLACKING..........."my desktop sim and we started with a taxi around on the ground to get the feel of the aircraft. (that 'feel' will get ya 1 to 5 yrs in the pen)I choose the First Officer's seat as that most closely matched my set up on my home system.........yea yea yea........;)

We began powered up and ready to go after the briefest of setup on the flight computer, when we started to taxi I couldn't believe it, we could feel every bump and crack....DIDN'T I TELL YOU ""NOT"" TO EAT BEANS THE NIGHT BEFORE..............BUT.........NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
 on the apron(like you cook) as the aircraft gathered speed, the full motion sim felt unbelievably realistic!(PERV)
 We had to wear safety harnesses
(I'm wearing a 'Safty' harness now.......
while putting this together)....... in case(WE HAD OPTIONS  ?????)
had an accident!

Once cleared to take to the air, I pushed on the thrust leavers and there was that familiar kick in the pants(LU LU BELL.........PERFECT TIMING.) we all get when we sit in the back on our way to who knows where.(yea like from Pat O'Briens) We were soon at Vr and I was pulling back on the sidestick, (SOUNDS LIKE A PERSONAL PROBLEM......)gingerly at first then quickly attuned to the sensitivity, and boy was it sensitive!(NOT TOUCHING THIS WITH A 10 FT POLE)... After a couple(HUNDRED) of over controls I soon got the measure, no floating of the FAs and no sick bags required!

I took my friend Jason along (yea you can kiss his ass good-bye)for the ride(YEA I HEARD HE FLED TO TURKEY) as I really wanted some video to keep, he is not a videographer and we took it on a little camera so apologies for the quality(BAD IS BAD...........NO MATTER......) but I am pleased to have a small memento of the session.(Viagra) He sat in the Captain's seat and was quite keen to ask questions and chat to our Instructor - (YEA.......IF YOU LIKE YOUR....YOUR LIFE)I had to ask them to pipe down(PIPE DOWN...........I GOT A SPECIAL PIPE ALRIGHT.) a couple of times as I was concentrating on the approach! (HE WAS FANCYING HIS LIFE AS IT WAS BEFORE....We even roped him in to operate the flaps and undercarriage LOL(I GOT NEWS, HE VOLUNTEERED)!

 Dave's second video...............What a PRO.....!!!!......he talks about his 'Stick'...........Cover your children's eyes.......and ears................lol

All too quickly the session was over(you can only keep the NTSB away so long..........jeezus Dave) and I could barely walk out of the sim (being combative gets ya perks...called a'gurney' )as my smile was so wide
( I don't even want to know how much you paid for that smile....)!!??

I had a great time and would do it again in a heartbeat, I am already saving the pennies!

All the best!

Dave ......I am so damn proud of you......that took balls...........at least now, I know who Won't be flying...my plane......KIDDING....I would fly with you.....no matter how many levee's you ended up on.....oh yea that reminds me.......DAVE.........did you think I would forget..........This....................Another levee.......under your belt...........DAVE........LOL


and here is dessert.......OMG....So Hysterical.......LOL.........♥