Guess you didnt hear, dear... or you're just waiting until death to meet-up with Christ Jesus.
Let this be your catalyst:
'The more you shall honor Me, the more I shall bless you' -the Infant Jesus of Prague (<- Czech Republic, next to Russia)
Love him, leave him or feel indifferent... you better listen to the Don: if you deny o'er-the-Hillary's evil, which most whorizontal demokrakkrs do, you cannot deny Hellfire which YOU send yourself to.
Hello Paul Daniel... Please forgive my terrible delay... ..glad you like the picture .....I found it just the way it is with all it beautiful dramatic hues ...:)
Happy New Year, Julie!!
Nice pic: Super saturated colours.
Was the world like that, or just the photography? :)
Guess you didnt hear, dear...
or you're just waiting until death
to meet-up with Christ Jesus.
Let this be your catalyst:
'The more you shall honor Me,
the more I shall bless you'
-the Infant Jesus of Prague
(<- Czech Republic, next to Russia)
Love him, leave him or feel indifferent...
you better listen to the Don:
if you deny o'er-the-Hillary's evil,
which most whorizontal demokrakkrs do,
you cannot deny Hellfire
which YOU send yourself to.
God bless you, earthling.
Hello Paul Daniel... Please forgive my terrible delay... ..glad you like the picture .....I found it just the way it is with all it beautiful dramatic hues ...:)
WTF did I say
besides tellin you the Truth???
No, dear, I aint condemning you.
You'll do that fine
by your indifference
N whorizontalism, babe.
I guess you didnt read the Bible
nor shall you ever where the Holy
Word sez (reading-between-the-lines):
Im just trying to save your soul...
yet, if you dont wanna be,
that's totally YOUR choice.
Again, aint2coolNhellfire4eternity.
Find-out what RCIA means and join.
God bless your indelible soul.
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