I think back.............!!!
My Mother has passed.............
and I have missed her........terribly.........!!!
She would always call me ........
"Pride and Joy"........
She was so right!!!!!!!!!!!!.......
and I am returning the favor to her...............
She in turn....... is my "Pride and Joy"..........
and each time I think of her...........
I look 'UP'..........to the sky...........
where I am most comfortable............!!!
If you can still wrap your arms around.........
your Mother............do so............
As Soon as Possible.....!!!
Happy Mother's Day.......
"Caption".....for this Video.......below!!!......
May want to 'mute' the music......
I would rather hear the music of the "Jet Engines"!!!!!
Crossing the North Atlantic on NAT tracks has aircraft in the same direction separated by 1000' instead of the usual 2000' which makes for some great views.
We were at Flight Level 310 and travelling at mach 0.84 only about 10-15kts faster than the MD11 which I guess was flying at 0.82. Unfortunately they didn't have cameras.
Here are several of the "Old School".............
Airlines from a time gone by...........
still nothing beats these "Classic" ....liveries....... the L10-22 TriStars.......
the 747's.....
727's..........Love these 'wide bodies.........!!!!!!!!!
Here is one of 2 videos I have posted for Ozark Airline's.......please take a few minutes.........
Dedicated to Bas!!!!!!!!
below..............a magazine advert.
showing routes Ozark Airline's flew.....I would kill for that damn "pillbox hat".......she has on too.........!!!!
I want to keep this 'Simple'...............
I won't bore you with "STATS".....about "Ozark Airline's"...........
I prefer to show with pictures........this Wonderful Airline with the Lovely simple
"3 Silver Swallow" Logo.....
Which I flew so many many times......back and forth from New Orleans to St. Louis..........in the 1980's.......below are a couple web-links to click on if your want to know more.........It is a Very Interesting story...................and how till this day........the memory of Ozark Airline's is carefully preserved..........with many web links..........commemorating that 'history' and the "Silver Swallow Alumni"...those who have past and those who are still with us........I will always miss this Airline...........every bit as much as I do TWA!!!!
There is a rumor going around that Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies was the founding partner of Ozark Airlines.........
and was one of the first pilots. Supposedly, she liked to put on a leather flying helmet, and stick her head out the window......... while she was flying the turboprop or jet airliner.
Sometimes, she would see a possum on the ground and stick her shotgun out the cockpit window........... A fellow Ozark Airlines employee would pick up the carcass.
The next day baked possum on some of the Ozark flights. Yum, Yum.
No, that isn't true........ Granny wasn't one of the founders, nor did she fly the planes. I'm just being silly............. I do believe that they occasionally served baked "mystery meat" on some of the flights. Who knows. Maybe, possibly......OMG
This Picture says it all..........
I Loved those green monsters'.......standing side by side..........at the "D" Concourse at STL Lambert Field in the 1980's!!!!!!!
Over 35 years, Ozark had developed from a puddle-jumping local airline flying DC-3s to a coast-to-coast, DC-9 only operation centered in St Louis. The line was not destined to survive the decade however, and in early 1986 an agreement was cut to merge Ozark into Carl Ichan's TWA for $224M. In spite of monopoly concerns stated by the US Justice Department, (the combined lines would control 75% of the gates out of Lambert-St Louis Airport) the merger was approved. For better or worse, 4000 employees and 50 aircraft joined TWA on 26 October 1986, and one of the more colorful local airlines in America came to an end.
Ozark Air Lines of the 50's Click Here To Read More About The 50's

Ozark Air Lines of the 60's
Click Here To Read More About The 60's

Ozark Air Lines of the 70's
Click Here To Read More About The 70's

Ozark Air Lines of the 80's
Click Here To Read More About The 80's

Another video with history of Ozark Airlines.............
![]() | ||||
| ||||
Founded | September 25, 1950 | |||
Ceased operations | October 26, 1986 (integrated into Trans World Airlines) | |||
Hubs | Lambert-Saint Louis International Airport | |||
Fleet size | 50 | |||
Destinations | Mainline Cities: 57 Midwest Cities: 21 | |||
Company slogan | Go-getters go Ozark (1960s) We make it easy for you (1970s) Ozark flies your way (1980s) | |||
II want to thank you for your visit............on this "Sentimental Journey with me......I hope you enjoyed it..............and please come back and visit anytime again!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahh, I miss seeing Ozark tails, and PSA, Muse Air, Hughes Airwest "Flying Banana" Western, etc, etc... The list is long but not forgotten.
Hey GJ,
A great post - thank you!
D'you know, I looked at Ozark as a possible contender for guess the tail, then realised it was down you neck of the woods! LOL!!
Reading about the airline, it seemed to have a similar comraderie to TWA as evidenced by the ongoing fan sites...
All the best
D from the UK :)
Hi Jules,
I was waiting for this post. I enjoyed reading it, girlie, and thanks for letting me join you on the sentimental journey. <3
I hope Bas likes this post...I know he was waiting for this. :)
Granny in leather, now that's a sight, lol!
Hi Ryan.......!!!!
You forgot the most 'Important' one......
TWA AIRLLINE'S............
and whats with the different names.......
for airlines.....a lot of the time......
"Speedbird" aka British Air
"Virgin".....oh my..kidding
you don't always hear the actual names........
what happened to Delta
US Air
Check ya later.........
"TWA AIRLINE'S"........
jeezus.......Jules......learn how to spell.........!!!!!!
where's that damn
Bas Man.........????????
He better get his _SS.......over here..for a visit...
I dedicated this post to him....
Hi Dave.....So GLAD you like my post!!!!!!!
I put a lot of Love into it.....!!!!!!!!!
the one "TAIL"....I would have gotten right....!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe my 'record' speaks for itself as of late.....omg
Missy G..........You are so WELCOME!!!!!!
of course I want you tag along............
We're pAAAtners in Crime......!!!
not to mention.....
make up the
"The Aviation Appreciation Society"
(North American Branch)
which btw.....has a 'mandatory meeting coming up in a month or two!!!!!!
OH Cappy........How Lovely of you to grace the MissTWA blog......LOL
there is a real "NEED' for "SARCASM"....font!!!!!!!
Who are you calling "GRANNY" ????
Ah....if I'm not mistaken......you'll be turning 29 for the 3rd time....
this year!!!!!!
Thanx and have a blessed day:)
oh and BTW.....
I have a minimum
"10 word" quota"
that each of my
'Very much appreciated'
visitors are Required to leave......
for any comments left!!LOLOLOL
and "LOL's" don't count......
Granny in leather???
That could be one step too far!!! LOL
Used to watch that show every week!!! They don't make 'em like that anymore :((
Great post ^J^; some serious work here! I had not realised that TWA had taken them over... learn something everyday!!
As for the call-signs... easy to understand on "cr....k...y.... ...a..o's!!! Say again... OVER.
This is British Overseas airways Corporation Flight Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine requesting a course for Croyden... Oh, don't bother... we're there!!!!!
Besides, Speedbird, Cactus, et al is far nicer than Hare Fronce Sexty Sex!!! But looks like "Cactus" may also be on the way out!! :((
Thanks so much Foggy.....!!
So glad you like the post!!
Sure can be alot of work.....
with some of these 'post'...
but it's Always a
"labo'u'r" of Love for my Aviation Buddies......
such as yourself!!!!!!
Excuse please.....??
"easy to understand on
"cr....k...y.... ...a..o's!!!"
Say again.......
You got that Right!!!!!
I don't EVEN......
want to go there....
"Speedbird 1 heavy line up behind Virgin America".......
Roger that.......
"my name is Not Roger....:))))
Speaking of BOAC.....
I have some really
'Cool' Vintage Ads for that Airline!!!!!!!
yea that "Cactus".....he's kinda 'prickley'.....KIDDING!!!....
like "Otto pilot"....
just full of hot air.....lol....;)))))
"Juliet Foxtrot"(Julie Frances) signing off.....for now...!!!
Grammar B!tch in da house! :P
What an EPIC post Julie! The commercial made me laugh lol! Zoom in, zoom out, zoom in, zoom out! :P
Interesting history, must've been an epic sight as the pictures show to witness all those 'green little monsters' standing at their gates! Too bad you didn't take your iPhone with you back in the '80's when you would be gone flying for some epic photo's!
''and one of the more colorful local airlines in America'' - I bet that is true!
Together with TWA, 75 percent of the gates, whoaahh!
LMAO @ Granny! Reminds me of the 'dead animal at end of runway / catering' joke :P
Also, in that commercial, it didn't matter the engines smoked like that! Who cares about the enviroment! That would be NOT DONE today for sure!
Great post Julie, you know I'm a statistics man and like to know the details haha.
Take care, will be watching the second vid tomorrow as it's really bed time now!
Hey Bas Man..........
So glad you also brought the "spell-B!tch with ya......LOL
yes the commercials aired in the late those 2 aired late 60's early 70's.....yea, a few past the invention of electricity.....Mmmm
The pic on this post of the "Boeing 727" .....a little info follows.........
Before ever flying for Ozark, a lone pair of 727s was sold to Pan Am. N362PA first wore N721ZK. It is seen while leased briefly by Boeing for flight test, still in Ozark colors but with its new Pan Am registration. The airplane was delivered on April 1, 1980 and assigned to the intra-German division as Clipper Berlin.
So glad you like the post Bas......!!
Have a great Weekend......Comrade!!
No, I didn't forget TWA. To me as a child, TWA, PanAm, Eastern, Braniff, AA, United (still love the red, orange and blue cheatline with tulip livery the best, esp. on the DC-10s) were the big players who were so out of reach for me. They were larger than life at the time, and I could never ever imagine in my wildest dreams flying in the cockpit of an American DC-10 or Delta L-1011 or a PanAm 747. Or even a TWA L-1011!
OMG dear don't get yo panties in a wad over my brief post. I've found that my iPad, as wonderful as it is, has like a 10-word limit before freezing when I reply to blogs. No idea why this is! So, here ya go from my regular Mac....
What's with the name changes on the radio? For brevity and clarification mostly. At one time we had Western, America West, American, Hughes Air West, etc. etc....so they came up with call signs!
In my time I've been a: Wings (Wings of Alaska) Waterbird (Virgin Islands Seaplane Shuttle), Rocky (Rocky Mountain Airways, call sign later "Jetlink"), and Cactus...looks like I'll be calling myself "American" b4 long, lol!
Oh, and Skywest, Northwest, etc. etc.....
Ryan..........I was teasing....about not forgetting TWA........I added a couple of the those jets...you mentioned....the 727's......
and 747's as well.........beginning of this post...and it may have the older United........livery.....with the tulip....with the red, orange, and blue's......bars..
Sad that many of these are being fazed out...or on their way.......I will miss also to...
MD-11's !!!
KK....Cappy...makes sense..........oh and another........"Chautauqua"..............well wait you say you may be called American.....and not Cactus........
I thought US was going to buy American.....??
or do I have it wrong.....?????
Thanks for stopping by Cap'tn
Hey, Jules! I like how you keep adding things to the post.
It's like a daily gift!
Speaking of gifts...are you getting something special for Momma's Day?
I hope your grandbabies treat you well. You are loved!!!
^J^ 2 "GREAT" pics of the "1011": TWA and Eastern! Beautiful...
And "CACTUS" is, maybe "taking over" AAL... but they plan to keep the AAL name, HQ and 'everything', so it's, probably, bye-bye "CACTUS" and Scottsdale, Az., and hello DFW!! :(
Happy Mother's Day......
Missy G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are a 'Wonderful'...Mother........I saw that for myslef!!!!!!
I love your Beautiful "Tulip" avatar!!!..
Such a lovely deep red color......
Love you Lady!!!!!
Thanks, Jules.
It's a rare Van Gogh tulip...they're starting to bloom outside our National Gallery (for the tulip festival). At the end of the month, the Gallery has a special exhibition from Van Gogh!!!! I am so excited about this! Almost as excited as seeing planes... ;)
We'll never get tired of the "Old School" Aviation.........pics!!!!!!!!!!
Your mom is smiling down on you and is very proud of you, Jules.<3
That was a touching addition to this post. ((HUGS))
And cute pic...AC Jazz? :)
Love you lots. GG
Happy Mother's Day to you too.........Missy G!!!!!!!
and Thank You...!!!!!
and Happy Mother's Day to all of my Aviation friends.........and their families!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Am sorry for your loss.....Cappy!!!
Oh My.......you shouldn't hold your feelings in.....it's just not good for ya.......lol!!
"US Air".....will be called....American.....
About Right.......Don't EVEN get me started!!!!!!!!!!
....a special happy happy to you and Duck. 19 years? Congratulations!!! <3
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