

Sunday, August 17, 2014

slides.....☺sunset......♠the world has gone to the 'Freight dogs'........:)

Tightly woven cloth...........still to this day.........♥

The only time a Boeing aircraft will "Fly by wire"......♥

Lovely Dutch 'Sunset' from that PITA Anne.......;)

Freight dogs get to see more than their fair share of sunrises, but maybe that's one of the perks. Here's to all the awesome people who made my time on the Pineapple express so memorable. See you on the other side!........A F/B friend(Christiaan Van Heijst) who flies the new 747-8 

Christiaan under his baby 747-8 Freighter............Not too shabby ......♠
 Awesome song............to go along...........♥

Music is Lucky Man by The Verve

Picture he took yesterday from his 747-8 ...over Southern Russia.....of ..a Lufthansa A340 was passing 1000 ft over head in the opposite direction..

Having a silly moment............

Christiaan the photographer........


the 'QUEEN'........♥


Unknown said...

Hi Julie,

Please thank your friend, Christiaan, for the great photos. :)

And to that PITA...thank him. :)

Take care xox


Unknown said...

Thank you so much Julie , your posts are always very nice and so inviting ..each of your posts is an escape ..
Christain's baby looks good !!!!
I love your post youtube : good music and so funny !!!!!!
About the Lufthansa A340 , wasn't it a bit too close ?
The picture of " The Queen " is wonderful ..
Thanks again !!!
Go on Julie and take care..

getjets said...

LOL>.......GG........that PITA...can be just that....!!!!!
Yes....Christiaan....has some Beauts........taken from his office......
Its almost like....their so Awesome....that any pics taken at ground level can't even come close.......
You take care toooooo.......
Bas Man will be coming soon...now that will be some...awesome posts ...Love Ya girlie

getjets said...

Hello Francois.....Well I'm glad you enjoy.......my posts......especially those when I know the people somewhat......telling their story or adventure...is what MissTWA is all about........
you take care too, Francois...♠

Mrs Turchetta said...

Really enjoyed these great photos.